As I remember it you were not just asking were running your mouth about how your huskee was so much better, and how the american cls units were not built well.......even though they are very similar to timberwolf and other commercial splitters, yet half the price.
Let's revisit some of your statements. These are regarding the American CLS splitters that a couple here had purchased:
And if you like vertical........more power to you, lots do. Any of the commercial firewood producers use horizontal with log lift though......what does that say? I have used both, and much prefer the horizontal with log lift. When you are splitting a large round, once you lay it down under the splitting ram it can be very difficult to wrestle it into position. Typically there are stubs or small plates sticking up from the foot of the splitter to keep it from sliding off the foot........these make it difficult to slide the round close to the beam. With the log lift, you just roll it on there, raise it up, and roll it right on over to where you want it. Split it in half, let the half closest to the lift fall back on the lift, then reposition the other half to be split again. Once it is in half, throw half of that on top of the log lift as well. Once these rounds are at working height it is not hard to slide them around. I have worked all day a couple of times with large rounds and no sore back the next morning. But like I've said before, if your preference is vertical, have at it, it's just not for me when there are better options in my opinion.
And don't come off like everybody had a fit because you liked vertical had nothing to do with your opinion on vertical or horizontal with log had everything to do with you running a unit down that you have never used or even seen in person. Below are links to the thread I have clipped quotes from:
No offense intended........if you like the vertical splitter I am sure you will be happy with it, especially after you have put some time in on one. My only problem was with BRM whining and mis-stating what our disagreement was about a few months ago. I have read alot of good things about the Huskee 22, seem like real good units. Good luck with whatever you choose!