******** Timber Expert
It's just some general guide lines buddy, no body said it had to be a certain way, you made that up on your own so get the #### off my back.
It takes experience and someone by your side with a specific tree being cut down as an example to really put the learning in motion. This computer stuff is meant to put the mind in motion.
When you start giving specific numbers it gives it a certain finality and exact quality. Someone always brings that type of stuff to these type of threads. Nothing personal, just buisness. 1/4 face is not a good idea in my opinon.
Stuff like judging limb weight, not cutting under the lean, watching the top for movement instead of watching your saw, etc. Stuff that keeps you alive and saves you a lot of trouble. All trees have 2 types of lean. Cut the far side off first (compresion side) and get a wedge in there if needeed. Watch the top. Picking a specific target a ways out to gun to. On and on. Critical thinking and common sense. Mistakes and learning from them. Physics.