I've been contemplating possible solutions to NOT installing a second thermostat (for aesthetic and operational reasons) on my in-process install.
Set up is a Heil 90+ LP gas furnace, single zone and an OWB with plenum-mounted HX. Controlled by a conventionally wired 4-wire programmable electronic thermostat. The OWB circulator will be set to run continuously.
My idea was to be able to maintain the LP furnace control as already implemented whenever the OWB was in a "not ready" ie, cold (below 120-140F) condition. Whenever the OWB is "ready", the call for heat from the thermostat is intercepted and translated into a "blower on"-only call.
I think I can easily achieve this with a simple upper thermostat (SPDT) from a hot water heater such as a White-Rodgers 756-1. Mount the 756-1 to the HX on the outside of the plenum in the immediate vicinity of the HX so it can detect and react to the temperature of the HX. The 756-1 is adjustable from 90-150F.
From the thermostat wire input to the furnace, three wires would be run to the location of the 756-1 thermostat.
Disconnect the white wire from the furnace input terminal and connect it to the Common (#1) terminal of the 756-1, the NC (#2) terminal of the 756-1 gets run back the furnace's white terminal from which the wire was previously removed. The NO (#3) terminal on the 756-1 is run back the furnace's terminal block and is piggybacked onto the green wire connection.
I think I can adjust the setting to around 120-140 and get it to fall-back to normal gas operation when the OWB's output is below the set point. I'll probably have to play with it to see if I can get it right.
My fallback plan is to use a strap-on SPDT aquastat on the inlet supply line. Since they cost around USD 60-80, I think I'll give the $15 part a test drive (of course, it would help if I actually had an OWB on hand....)