Is it a Stihl, 075 or 076?

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you worry too much.... IPLs are old... the 075 bearings -0540 and -0440 have been superceded by the 076 bearings -0553 and -0443 ..

That takes care of my worries......................for now. :pumpkin2:

OH wait, I seem to remember a post or thread you did on a saw
that would wear out the bearing seat on the case, was it
the 075, 076 saws?
MONEY PIT:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

heck, I was rich until I bought a Bridgeport mill....

I know, did that with the 066.........going to try to see what all
this thing needs from the start..........But a Bridgeport has
sooooooo many uses, don't know about now but Bridgeport was
top of the line stuff.
are we stihl on topic?

Done a little saw trading today. After the trading was done dealer
ask If I would give $10 for a big Stihl......sure I said....he ask don't
you want to Know what it is.......don't matter I will take it. He said it
was an 075........but after doing a search here, seems to be a
076.........Whats the most sure fire way to tell?

I played with it and got it fired up, It only has 125 lbs com.
Have'nt pulled starter cover off but fly wheel side crank bearing
is bad. Just for fun I cut two cookies, seasoned 24" White Oak.
With only 120 lbs. com and 20" bar I could not bog it down.

Missing switch, missing trigger safety


Oil cap on side, broken AV mount


Cracked clutch and muffler cover,


Monster of a 20" .375 bar & chain, in very good shape though.


So trigger tell us,,,,, how many stihls do you really have now?????
AV?? Time-Sert's ......Loose dentures .....075/076 .....Yup on topic.....


Yup.............Old saw has good kill switch, had one knee
on the damp ground when I pulled plug wire off. Hit me about three
times, next time I was standing still bit me, Third time I choked it to
kill it. :D