Is the 066Mag the king of all chain saws

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tundraotto said:
ok - i see from your title that you actually cut a tree - or did you just like the picture?

go get him Jeff:hmm3grin2orange:

Hey tundra - check out some of fishhunts proir posts for him up trees, over trees, beneath trees (not "under" I think)).
tundraotto said:
PS. whre is phish and gypo & dennis - this place has changed......all noobs and the same see my avatar got removed since some biblethumper complained....
Actually, it weren't no bible thumper. It were Big John, and he's only complaining because he got in trouble for posting ***** pictures.
Tundra, you old goat, where the hel ya been?

Dennis is long gone..he went bad on us, too much pink hair in his teeth..or sumpin...Fish still drops in (or acid) on us form time to time..

latest fun is because of an idiot called covered in sap... but it's about to end...

gyro went bonkers, but he's still cool sometimes....

Jeff, tundra's cool...he's been AWOL for 3 yrs, so it's good to have the hillbilly back...
coveredinsap said:
Because of you crying to the moderators? It figures.

Crying to the moderators? If I thought that would work I might try it. Sap,not only are you the poster child for not knowing when to STFU you"ve only yourself to blame for the responce you get from other members. You don't know anything and argue with people who do,you're arrogant and condescending when people point out your mistakes. Theres a wealth of good information and people willing to help other people here. You've managed,through your own faults,to totally piss off and alienate some of the best people on this forum. I think you're beyond redemption and wouldn't mind at all if they banned you. You're a cull and we don't need you and are no longer amused by you.
rbtree said:
If I had sap on my wildthang, I'd be thinking more along these lines for a cleaner:
Has it come to you yet, we are still waiting,lol................

Well let me tell ya,
I was just sitting Staring(I mean Looking). And the little Woman walked up and ask what I was doing. And I said."Nuttin Honey, I'm just looking at this post". :blush:
manual said:
Has it come to you yet, we are still waiting,lol................

Well let me tell ya,
I was just sitting Staring(I mean Looking). And the little Woman walked up and ask what I was doing. And I said."Nutting Honey, I'm just looking at this post". :blush:

Well hell no wonder you forgot what you was gonna say,lololol, how hard did she smack you,lol
rbtree said:
Uhoh, manual, so what do I owe ya to help ya get outta da doghouse? :cheers:
No Worries, I just took her out for breakfest.

No Knots eather. She used her left hand. "It's Her Right Hook I always worry About.
OK, now that all the ogling is dying down, let's all give it a big hurrah for the 066 Magnum....the king of chainsaws...just be sure to keep the sap off it...:chainsaw:
manual said:
No Worries, I just took her out for breakfest.

No Knots eather. She used her left hand. "It's Her Right Hook I always worry About.

hahahahaha, good one..................