Maybe post some more pictures of the whole log and bark side.if this is oak log what kind of oak is it
I think that is "Tree Of Heaven", or Ailanthus.
I don't think anyone bothered to translate the Latin Quercus Nodem. I think some of his small stuff does look like Oak, the rest, no. Many years ago a local guy selling firewood at a premium price got his butt in a sling. He advertised it as 100% Knot Oak. The way he spelled "Knot" everyone thought it was a variety of Oak. Actually, what he was saying was it was 100% NOT Oak. He was selling Pine, TOH, Willow, all at a high premium. So, "Quercus Nodem" translates to "Oak Knot", or "NOT OAK".That's what I meant. But with those rays, it has to be oak. Just wondered if anyone else would bite on the TOH.
kinda looks like beech in the first pic