It pains me to watch... People who get a load of green logs delivered in July, cut/split/stack in September, and start burning in November.
Why?? Why does it "pain" you??
It don't bother me. Truthfully, I don't give a rat's azz what someone else does... unless it directly affects me. Yeah, I'll throw out my 2¢ whenever I feel like it, but in the end I couldn't care any less what someone else burns. Heck, they can burn asphalt shingles and bicycle tires for all I care.
Now, I'm sure someone is gonna' try and tell me that the guy burning asphalt shingles, bicycle tires or green wood in his firebox does
directly affect me because it causes government to enact regulations and whatnot on wood burning that do affect me. Well, to that I say BU!!$H!T. I ain't blaming the guy burning green wood for those regulations... I blame government. If government (state or local government) wants to enact an actual
law or
ordinance making the burning of tires or green wood an unlawful act, and then arrest or fine those who break the law... I have no problem with that. But for government to make across-the-board, one-size-fits-all
regulation affecting all wood burners just to stop a few idiots... well, that's flat wrong... it's unconstitutional... and it ain't the idiot's fault we've allowed our government to amass such power.
I ain't so quick to blame the idiot wood burner... when the real idiocy and blame clearly lies somewhere else, and that's what
directly affects me.
If I'm gonna' blame anyone for the BU!!$H!T, I'm gonna' blame the idiots who keep voting in the same people and allowing them to grab more power over our lives.
It's about friggin' time we go back to taking responsibility for our own actions, and stop expecting government to protect us from ourselves... natural selection will take care of the idiots.