I've Been Screwed!!!

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Oh yes

you got screwed:cry:

Reason number 204I on why not to buy a chainsaw on line.:cheers:

Dude, your sooooo right... I still am trying to figure out what in the heck people are still buying saws online for? Specially people that have some idea about saws. How do you feel bad for somebody that watches these same scams time and time again and still they take a chance. I don't get it. cold day before i buy a dammed thing off ebay, and I can't feel bad for the person that never saw the saw run or the person that said x was all it needed. Another one is born every few seconds right??? hehehehehehehee



I hate to be cold, but come one... Really, how many people have had the same thing happen??? And yet people are still surprised. $20billion/yr are stolen online yet people are still surprised when they lose money online. Why are people so stupid. Did you know Disney took out King Arthurs theme park to put in Harry Potter's because nobody knew who he was? People are getting dumber and dumber as the days go by... How can people not know who King Arthur is??? OMFG... Idiots
Dude, your sooooo right... I still am trying to figure out what in the heck people are still buying saws online for? Specially people that have some idea about saws. How do you feel bad for somebody that watches these same scams time and time again and still they take a chance. I don't get it. cold day before i buy a dammed thing off ebay, and I can't feel bad for the person that never saw the saw run or the person that said x was all it needed. Another one is born every few seconds right??? hehehehehehehee



I hate to be cold, but come one... Really, how many people have had the same thing happen??? And yet people are still surprised. $20billion/yr are stolen online yet people are still surprised when they lose money online. Why are people so stupid. Did you know Disney took out King Arthurs theme park to put in Harry Potter's because nobody knew who he was? People are getting dumber and dumber as the days go by... How can people not know who King Arthur is??? OMFG... Idiots
I've never been scammed buying anything online. Follow a few precautions and trust your gut and you'll usually do all right. Still, since it's site unseen/buyer unseen, only bid enough to where you won't get hurt if you lose everything. Anything online is a chance, and everyone should bid accordingly. Off the top of my head, I'd guess I've bought and sold $10,000 of stuff through Ebay and online stores in the last 4 years. At least I don't feel stupid. ;)

I Hate being cold, but I've seen tons of people every day that say the same things. There ain't a person on earth that'd make me wager a nickel online w/out seeing something in person...

:confused: :popcorn: :buttkick: :(
I Hate being cold, but I've seen tons of people every day that say the same things. There ain't a person on earth that'd make me wager a nickel online w/out seeing something in person...

:confused: :popcorn: :buttkick: :(

For every post you see about getting screwed, there's at least a dozen more about getting a good deal. Also, people get screwed in person as well. At least online, you've got a buying history and record from other buyers you can look at. In person, you don't have anything but what the guy's telling you and showing you.

For every post you see about getting screwed, there's at least a dozen more about getting a good deal. Also, people get screwed in person as well. At least online, you've got a buying history and record from other buyers you can look at. In person, you don't have anything but what the guy's telling you and showing you.

And how can I argue with that brotha???

Pulling the muffler cover to see a scored p/c and pulling the starter cable would solve a couple of those problem though now wouldn't it??? hehehehehehe


I do see what your saying though bro. It's just NOT for me...:popcorn:
And how can I argue with that brotha???

Pulling the muffler cover to see a scored p/c and pulling the starter cable would solve a couple of those problem though now wouldn't it??? hehehehehehe


I do see what your saying though bro. It's just NOT for me...:popcorn:

I can see your point of view. I used to think the same thing. Then I started buying a few things and liked it.
OUCH! I bought this MS 440 of eBay and got it today. LINK All it was supposed to need was a coil and a starter rope, per a dealer's inspection. It's also only supposed to be two years old. Check out what I got.

I put a different coil in it, fixed the starter and tried to start it. It tried to fire but would not start. The enging was very noisy when I pulled the starter rope. I finally removed the muffler and found that the piston is extremely scored. I then removed the cylinder to find that it is ruined as well as the crank. There are deep gouges in the cylinder wall. The connecting rod bearing cage on the crank is all busted up. This is what was causing all the noise. This saw is toast. You can see that the saw has been apart before. The cylinder has been honed and the piston sanded. You can also see pieces of old rings embedded in the cylinder head and piston top. These did not come from the piston in the saw. It's rings are not broken.

I sent an email and offered to reassemble and return the saw as is or discuss replacing the crank, cylinder/piston, and gaskets. I even sent links of the best deals on a used crank and cylinder/piston. I haven't heard back since I just sent it. What's your take on this?

You can find all the high resolution pictures HERE









And he didn't use any lube, if ya know what I mean.
saw and fleabay are like @holes and alcohol, they dont mix.
Dude, your sooooo right... I still am trying to figure out what in the heck people are still buying saws online for? Specially people that have some idea about saws. How do you feel bad for somebody that watches these same scams time and time again and still they take a chance. I don't get it. cold day before i buy a dammed thing off ebay, and I can't feel bad for the person that never saw the saw run or the person that said x was all it needed. Another one is born every few seconds right??? hehehehehehehee



I hate to be cold, but come one... Really, how many people have had the same thing happen??? And yet people are still surprised. $20billion/yr are stolen online yet people are still surprised when they lose money online. Why are people so stupid. Did you know Disney took out King Arthurs theme park to put in Harry Potter's because nobody knew who he was? People are getting dumber and dumber as the days go by... How can people not know who King Arthur is??? OMFG... Idiots

I'm going to do my best not to participate in the mud slinging that some of you are obviously engaged in. I will try to answer your question. It's plain and simple. I have no were else to buy my saws. I've been on eBay for probably 10 years now. Check my feedback. I know how the game works. I do my shopping, ask a few questions, check out the replies, and do my best to hedge my bets. Every now and then it doesn't work. In this case, it appears that all it cost me is a little time and aggrivation. Not one harsh word has even been spoken between me and the seller. The saw is currently all back together and in the box ready to go back. If you want to sling mud and call people dumb a55es, then why don't you provide a solution along with your mud. There no benefit in behaving that way. I think I've been here long enough to say I've earned more respect than that. Lighten up dude. Peace out.
lost my reply before it took....

brad: good response. I've seen enough of your projects here to gauge your work (or addictions) are top quality.

ebay has its down side, but also provides a soucre of connections to obscure stuff I would never ever see on a local agarage sale.its always a risk, but so is life in generall...

I'm going to do my best not to participate in the mud slinging that some of you are obviously engaged in. I will try to answer your question. It's plain and simple. I have no were else to buy my saws. I've been on eBay for probably 10 years now. Check my feedback. I know how the game works. I do my shopping, ask a few questions, check out the replies, and do my best to hedge my bets. Every now and then it doesn't work. In this case, it appears that all it cost me is a little time and aggrivation. Not one harsh word has even been spoken between me and the seller. The saw is currently all back together and in the box ready to go back. If you want to sling mud and call people dumb a55es, then why don't you provide a solution along with your mud. There no benefit in behaving that way. I think I've been here long enough to say I've earned more respect than that. Lighten up dude. Peace out.

Hi Brad you have had some decent saws from ebay and im the same the 025 just needed the carb set the 036 a good carb clean and tune up!
The ms280 i have has a little idle problem (it idles fine when your holding it but stalls if i set it on the concrete?) and wont be getting sold until its running perfect, And im sure there will be pics of the compression tester and through the exhaust port, I want to keep my 100%
Im sure some people just find a saw thats not been used in years and dont know its history or anything about saws, And shove it up for sale genuinly thinking its going to be ok.
I would think if i was going to sell a real scrapper and try to pass it off as good i wouldnt put it down as accepting paypal
I'm going to do my best not to participate in the mud slinging that some of you are obviously engaged in. I will try to answer your question. It's plain and simple. I have no were else to buy my saws. I've been on eBay for probably 10 years now. Check my feedback. I know how the game works. I do my shopping, ask a few questions, check out the replies, and do my best to hedge my bets. Every now and then it doesn't work. In this case, it appears that all it cost me is a little time and aggrivation. Not one harsh word has even been spoken between me and the seller. The saw is currently all back together and in the box ready to go back. If you want to sling mud and call people dumb a55es, then why don't you provide a solution along with your mud. There no benefit in behaving that way. I think I've been here long enough to say I've earned more respect than that. Lighten up dude. Peace out.

Very good response. You sound to me like a guy who always "stands his round" and trys to walks the high road.
In defense of Brad, this thread started in 2006 and he says this was his first used saw purchase after finding this site and catching the 'bug. I can tell from his posts he is much wiser today :hmm3grin2orange:
Dok (another Brad)
Ebay is a great place.......It is also a BUYER BEWARE ...If the saw has damage or has needs work or doesn't run your buying a parts saw.......Sometimes you get lucky and most times you get burnt....Buying saws to rebuild off ebay is ok in some cases .......If it has damage your taking a gamble......You know the risk .....If your not willing to deal with the risk dont bid....... Seeing the saws or parts in person is always the best ....Most people post pictures that make the product look the best for the sale....There are alot of people that put new plastic on an old worn out saw to make it look great for better money .....Some even paint the cases and make it look pretty and than leave the old discolored handle on it....That would set off a flag to me if I were bidding....

"Gambling is what it is" You know the risks when you place that bid.....:cheers: :cheers:

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"Gambling is what it is" You know the risks when you place that bid.....:cheers: :cheers:.

+1 Life is full of risk, we all take some every day. All one can do is limit and do as much homework as can. I always ask some pointed questions if I'm in doubt and the answers are part of the decision making process. I've bought 2 of the 3 best saws I own on e-bay. Can't say I'll never get screwed, but I can say I'll never screw somebody else. Other than that, it is what it is.:cheers:
Actually, ebay auctions are what led me to this place. I dealt quite a few times with Jeff Sekema, (spelling?) saw a lot of Gypo Logger's auctions, and Dozer Dan used to have a lot of saws on Ebay. For the most part, people are honest on Ebay. There's always some rubes, but that's the same for anything in life.
I bought my 670 and 920 off eBay from Dozerdan, both have been great saws. I just bought my 262XP off eBay, great so far, especially considering how it looked when I got it.

I bought a 009 once and it had a bad fuel line, had to fix that but the seller gave me a refund for the cost. I have also bought a 4hp Evinrude outboard, and a 1987 Grand National off eBay in Kentucky. 98% of my transactions have been positive.