This showed up on my doorstep, what is it??
Was running not long ago.
Also with those brass filters I wrote a thread on rebuilding a carb that was plugged by the fine sawdust that was let thru the filter..
BBB, that's a 621, with the dealer add-on brake.
Here is the filter in my 70E. Judging by the clamp and the spring clamp on the other end of the fuel line (carb end) I am pretty sure this is OEM. Should I look for a NOS one or can I go with a more modern one that won't break down?
Cantdog, I just bought a felt Walbro filter and asked about the replacement felts. The shop said they can buy a box of complete filters cheaper than they can just the felts. The filter was about 1/2 the cost of just the felt.
That sounds about right!!! Did you use the felt on your filter or just repleace the whole thing?
Will this one work then?
Haha! There was no filter on that 630! The fuel line disappeared along with the filter. When I got the saw the line was sticking out the top, and corroded pretty bad.
I just aquired my dad's old silvertop 80. It's a strong runner, and I'm planning on putting a 27 inch bar on it. I'm looking for info on the saw (displacement, hp, etc) as I don't have the manual. Any help you guys could give me would be great! -Mike
Looking for a safe method to split this saw's case.I have never done one and was wondering what is the best method? Also looking for some misc.621 parts.The "basket case" in the box needs a few odds and ends.That's a later project.Thanks in advance..
I took the muffler off my 70E because I chopped a piece of rope off in the cylinder when taking the clutch off. (rookie mistake) There is no muffler gasket! Does anyone have one out there?
PES+ got me all the parts I needed before but he seems to be MIA since Nov.
Hey Brian you can get one at any Husky dealer. Just ask for one to fit a 61,266,268,272. That's what I use. Sometimes you have to fuss with the bolt holes a tiny amount but usually they fit perfectly.![]()
Looking for a safe method to split this saw's case.I have never done one and was wondering what is the best method? Also looking for some misc.621 parts.The "basket case" in the box needs a few odds and ends.That's a later project.Thanks in advance..
Yes Brian that is original filter. When you could get parts you only replaced the felt. Remove the screw in the end and the black plastic cap and the felt slides right off. The sintered bronze inner filter remained. The felts are NLA from Tilton's. However there are replacement aftermarket felt filters out there but they are worse than the stock ones as they don't have the inner bronze filter to keep the felt fuzz out. However I have removed the felt from these and cut it to the correct length and used it on the stock filter. Of course the easiest and most frequently used method is to replace the whole assembly with a late model Husky type filter.