Jonsered Chainsaws

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Hi guys. Boy am I sad. Went for a quick firewood hit with my 9 year old today and took one saw and one only. My trusty Jred 630. It's been top dog of my arsenal this year. Big enough or small enough for whatever I'm cutting with only a 16" bar to boot! So I'm 30 minutes into filling up my gator with some 15" red oak rounds when I notice this:
View attachment 494569
My bar oil cap is long gone! I promised the boy a $5 bill if we could find it but I was cutting in swampy oak top bramble
and a needle in the proverbial haystack would have been easier. So I ask my Jred friends here...where do I find this cap for a 1983 jonsereds 630? I need my old trusty back! Thanks for any help! And eBay was a bust earlier btw:(

The good news is that they are widely available new for less than $10

Original part 501 62 66-01 replaced by Husqvarna 501 62 66-02
52 is a nice saw.....built just like a mini 621 or 80....heavy duty all the way. Closed port, double ring, high crown piston....points ign and coil is the same as the 621 & 80/90 and the 111s.....the 521E uses the same P&C/carb/muffler......if it isn't scored it might be worth throwing a set of seals and bearings and new rings and get 'er going...will run an 18-20" bar in .325 pretty good....

Man....I went looking for a new recoil cover sticker for the 490 tonight at the shop.....knew I had one but it wasn't in orderly my "Jonsereds" boxes with the rest of the NOS stickers......I went through 4 fairly large boxes of misc. NOS Jonsereds parts......bought in lots....have some really off the wall stuff.....some of it I don't even know what it is....found like six 910E intake elbows.....eight 621 air filter covers....a handfuls of throttle linkages another handful of triggers ....piles of recoil pulleys that fit god knows what.......did finally find the sticker I wanted in the bottom of box #4....all by itself.....sometimes I amaze myself with the chit I acquire.....I ain't right....

They say the first step is admitting you have a problem! But what do they know any way? Would love to find a couple of the square recoil decals. One for my 910 and another for the 920.
Hi guys. Boy am I sad. Went for a quick firewood hit with my 9 year old today and took one saw and one only. My trusty Jred 630. It's been top dog of my arsenal this year. Big enough or small enough for whatever I'm cutting with only a 16" bar to boot! So I'm 30 minutes into filling up my gator with some 15" red oak rounds when I notice this:
View attachment 494569
My bar oil cap is long gone! I promised the boy a $5 bill if we could find it but I was cutting in swampy oak top bramble
and a needle in the proverbial haystack would have been easier. So I ask my Jred friends here...where do I find this cap for a 1983 jonsereds 630? I need my old trusty back! Thanks for any help! And eBay was a bust earlier btw:(
I am checking with chainsawr if this one works with my earlier model:
Any input from u guys is appreciated. Btw the 630 just rips for its vintage. Cambl I'd buy yours in a minute if mine died. Sold my Stihl 361 years ago because the 630 was just better even though it was 30 years older!
The good news is that they are widely available new for less than $10

Original part 501 62 66-01 replaced by Husqvarna 501 62 66-02
God bless ya Fossil! Do you know if that will work on my earlier model that has the saw wrench turnable style cap? I don't care if it's not a match as long as it works. Mines no shelf queen. It's a worker bee and proud of it. Lol
God bless ya Fossil! Do you know if that will work on my earlier model that has the saw wrench turnable style cap? I don't care if it's not a match as long as it works. Mines no shelf queen. It's a worker bee and proud of it. Lol

I have the IPL for both the early and later 630 (I have the early one like yours) and the cap is the same PN. The PN was superceded by the 501 62 66-02. Same PN as my 266XP and it fits in the 630 perfectly. The 630 is my go to firewood saw as well. Love it.

It has the slot in the middle of the cap for a scrench. I have the old style fuel cap (hex wrench) and the new oil tank cap on mine so you should be OK
I have the IPL for both the early and later 630 (I have the early one like yours) and the cap is the same PN. The PN was superceded by the 501 62 66-02. Same PN as my 266XP and it fits in the 630 perfectly. The 630 is my go to firewood saw as well. Love it.

It has the slot in the middle of the cap for a scrench
Hey thanks! I have a parts saw husky 350 in the shed that I'll make sure doesn't work tomorrow but will probably use your link.
I've used mine for everything from noodling with a 28" bar to even carving and it gets the job done. It's a great midsize saw that I leave the husky 346xp or the dolmar 7900 behind for. And they are the shiny newer ones! Recent firewood hit that it rode solo on:
It's also done some peeling of layers off a dog carving for the neighbor. I'm still on a learning curve at that. Turns out ash is great firewood but horrible carving wood! Lol
Hi guys. Boy am I sad. Went for a quick firewood hit with my 9 year old today and took one saw and one only. My trusty Jred 630. It's been top dog of my arsenal this year. Big enough or small enough for whatever I'm cutting with only a 16" bar to boot! So I'm 30 minutes into filling up my gator with some 15" red oak rounds when I notice this:
View attachment 494569
My bar oil cap is long gone! I promised the boy a $5 bill if we could find it but I was cutting in swampy oak top bramble
and a needle in the proverbial haystack would have been easier. So I ask my Jred friends here...where do I find this cap for a 1983 jonsereds 630? I need my old trusty back! Thanks for any help! And eBay was a bust earlier btw:(

I bought an aftermarket set that didn't have the chain keepers, but plastic keepers...probably the ones that Tim(fossil) is talking about. I found the oil cap to work fine. However, gas expanded the plastic on the gas cap to the extent I had to use pliers to get the cap off. Threw that away. China or whomever is not particular about the plastic they use for gas applications. In a pinch caught out in the woods, if this is the same cap as in the silver top series, a 1/2" pipe plug works perfectly....most folks are more likely to have access to that, than an OE plug. I've done it myself with no damage to the saw threads on an 80.

52 is a nice saw.....built just like a mini 621 or 80....heavy duty all the way. Closed port, double ring, high crown piston....points ign and coil is the same as the 621 & 80/90 and the 111s.....the 521E uses the same P&C/carb/muffler......if it isn't scored it might be worth throwing a set of seals and bearings and new rings and get 'er going...will run an 18-20" bar in .325 pretty good....

Man....I went looking for a new recoil cover sticker for the 490 tonight at the shop.....knew I had one but it wasn't in orderly my "Jonsereds" boxes with the rest of the NOS stickers......I went through 4 fairly large boxes of misc. NOS Jonsereds parts......bought in lots....have some really off the wall stuff.....some of it I don't even know what it is....found like six 910E intake elbows.....eight 621 air filter covers....a handfuls of throttle linkages another handful of triggers ....piles of recoil pulleys that fit god knows what.......did finally find the sticker I wanted in the bottom of box #4....all by itself.....sometimes I amaze myself with the chit I acquire.....I ain't right....

Yeah, I put an 80 along side the 52 while I poked around and looked at things. Very much a mini 80. I suspected the coil and points plate the same. The clutch cover and flywheel are smaller of course....smaller bar studs, smaller bar plates etc. I don't need a saw this small, so I'm unlikely to put any parts into it. I don't care for that flat screen intake system, but the bore is probably hard enough to swallow most anything wood related.

EIGHT 621 AF cover???? Lol.....I know who to ask if I need another one.

Hi guys. Boy am I sad. Went for a quick firewood hit with my 9 year old today and took one saw and one only. My trusty Jred 630. It's been top dog of my arsenal this year. Big enough or small enough for whatever I'm cutting with only a 16" bar to boot! So I'm 30 minutes into filling up my gator with some 15" red oak rounds when I notice this:
View attachment 494569
My bar oil cap is long gone! I promised the boy a $5 bill if we could find it but I was cutting in swampy oak top bramble
and a needle in the proverbial haystack would have been easier. So I ask my Jred friends here...where do I find this cap for a 1983 jonsereds 630? I need my old trusty back! Thanks for any help! And eBay was a bust earlier btw:(

Is that a crack above the oil tank hole? That may be why you lost your cap and a new one won't stay in either.
I hope for his sake, that's not a crack! From my vantage point it looks like missing paint, but my eyes are crap. When you're looking for older J'red parts on eBay, you have to look at ALL the models that used the same crossover parts. Some models were more popular than others and have more eBay pages....even though they share lots of parts with other models.

If that's the same oil cap as they used in the silver top series, it was very prone to break...usually through mishandling by tightening it to tight in the first place. You're supposed to let the gasket make the seal with just slight pressure. Even as careful as I am, I broke one oil cap in 35+ yrs. Started a bad habit of using a scrench blade to tighten the does NOT need that kinda leverage. I didn't investigate why I was getting oil leakage;the wiggle pin hole had become enlarged.

I just noticed the question about the different style caps. They will all swap with one another and any cap for a 625, 630, 670, of any year will work. If you don't mind gray, the Husqvarna 61, 66, 162, 266, 268, 272 will work as well.
Well I had chance to look into my oil cap situation. No crack btw thank goodness. U had me nervous there! The 350 cap would thread but not seat because the flange hits the recoil cover area. Went to both stens and chainsawr. $13 shipping for a $5 cap. Yeah. Guess I'll try to support the local guys on this one. Thanks for the help though for finding a match!
If y'all will forgive me I'll add an eBay Jonsered story.

I bought a Jonsered three saw bundle. It was over eight years ago so I forget exactly what I received, but I think it was a three parts saws listed as two 630s and one 670.

The bad:

The seller stated "They appear that they might run." An interesting comment given that the venturis on two of the saws were clogged with years of dust & crud.

He shipped the saws is a limp, sagging, worn-out cardboard box with a few pieces of wadded up newspaper. One of the bars tore through the box and was lost. I contacted the seller and he wouldn't discuss a partial refund or sending me a replacement bar. He had a defensive "these things happen" attitude (quite convenient as a seller) and wouldn't acknowledge the crappy box and packing.

The good:

I didn't push the missing bar issue because one of the saws, either a 625 or 630, was "seized." A little Kroil and a few hours of sitting in the midday Texas sun got the rings to release, and the p&c was just fine.

All three saws--after a lot of much-needed cleaning--were in pretty good shape. At the very least they were worth in solid usable parts what I paid. The 625 and the 670 share many parts.
Robin and I talked about this numerous times before, we don't get the part about selling dirty saws. Three minutes with an air gun just seems to be an impossible request. So yeah, you clueless sellers out there, keep sending your dirt through the carriers.

I've had saws come the same way, in fact not that long ago I had a box come with the bar sticking 3/4 the way out the side(even after I told him to keep his bar). Wonder it wasn't lost like yours. And once, I had a saw come just loose in a big box with absolutely no packing. Fortunately, it was just gonna be a parts saw. You should have seen that

If you put your grievances to the seller through eBay before he sends the saw, you can get a full refund though PayPal. And don't let them talk you into any other method of payment...or add fees because they have to use PayPal...that's against their rules. I always start with some blurb like: 'Please pack this item carefully. It's been my experience that the carries will try to destroy it. The item has absolutely no value to me if it's damaged by a carrier.'

They either agree and say they will comply, or start arguing. Either way, it's fully documented now through eBay. Sounds a tad aggressive I know, but it helps the buyer not to be ***** on by irresponsible sellers.

Kevin that price the shipping should be for free and it should come with some unpacking elves...LOL!

He won't get that I'm betting....doesn't even provide any history of the saw. That guy in Canada that put a 910 together with all NOS parts except the crank, was a just a tad bit more and no one bit.

Does anyone have a parts saw laying around that could part with the top grommet shown in this photo? I need one for my Frankensaw project and have been watching the bay for weeks. It is the grommet the fuel line comes through on husky 162, 266 but same as many Jonnsereds as you all likely know.
