Did some research Brian.....some 162s and the very early 266s came with these grommets but they were discontinued very quickly in all later saws of this family including all of the 6XX Jonsered....I know for a fact my 1987 61 never had a grommet as I acquired the saw from my next door neighbor having only used two tanks of fuel through it. It does have the fuel line with integral grommet that fits in the tank...this too, was discontinued on all later saws and the tanks sized for regular fuel line. This is a very long lived family with many changes along the way...most were in a positive direction. Unless you have your heart set on using a grommet in the case to assure the saw is "correct" from a collectors standpoint I would not give it any more consideration as Husqvarna eliminated it very quickly as an unnecessary part that only complicated fuel line changes. As I said earlier probably why you don't see them for sale.......like the "Thin Ring" set up......done for a very short time and proved not worth the effort.....due to failures and problems with them sticking ...never see them for sale anywhere either....
The Husky crowd covets the thin ring pistons on the 2100 like it's The Holy Grail. I can tell you for a fact that when we were logging and figured out why some 2100 saws weren't lasting the yr, it was attributable to the thin ring design. And if Husky hadn't had problems with them, they would have made them standard all through the 2100/2101 production run. If you can find thin rings and a thin ring piston you might pay up to $400 for them. To me, that's a lot of nothing.