You might want to run Ultra at more like 50:1 on non milling motors....Ultra was designed as an very high detergent full synth oil to be used in their 4 stroke motors as they were having trouble with carbon build up on the valve stems. Perhaps more isn't better in this case. I run ultra at 50:1 in everything....ported saws...old saws... everything and haven't had any problems with any carbon buildup. Since we're talking carbon's a ditty that I learned from the techs at BCM Ducati in Laconia the off season they run adult self help workshops for Ducati owners......the techs will always laugh when tearing down a street Duc....."Another HI test guy"......according the one of the foremost Ducati shops in 'Merica.....if you are running pump regular......hmmmm......kinda flies in the face of common perception I thought. Their explanation was this.....hi test gas has a multitude of additives that leave residue when burnt.....these adhere to the valve stems and cause rapid wear on these desmodronic valve systems......I have run regular gas in everything that will run on it since and noticed less carbon issues in most every motor I run, large and small. Always ran premium in all my bikes. Not any more.....If I think I need more octane I use VP or leaded AV gas.....but my point is most folks don't think of fuel adding to carbon issues but it certainly is part of the equation.....worth thinking about anyway.
There is some wisdom in that...running @50:1 instead of 40:1. I've never had any carbon deposit problems, but streching out to 50:1 with Ultra is worth a try and will save some money in the long run. I think I'd still stay with 40:1 milling though.
Back in the day
