Here's another one......better condition than the one I interesting to watch and see what it goes for.
Weird little bracket on the front below the muffler......don't have a clue what that's all about.....|tkp:Bk9SR_bv7-zWYQ
Hi Mark.....I assume you are looking for the plastic fan rather than the later aluminum one. There are two plastic ones and one alum one presently on ebay but the plastic ones are expensive. There was a guy on here 3D printing them a awile back but I can't recall his name/contact info......perhaps someone else can. They seemed to work fine.Well at least the work was tastefully done.
Someone contacted me today looking for a flywheel for a 70E, I've lost track of a few folks that have helped me in the past. Any suggestion on where to look/who to contact would be appreciated.
Hi Ernie... I believe the one you want for your 90 is the first one mounted the the red 49sp cyl cover. Part# 504 98 34-25. The 90 IPL shows it to have the narrow cut out rather than the wide cut out. I think the wide cut out would fit the 70E with the Nord fella top cover.A quick question on hand guards ...
I need one for my 90 and I see there are two different kinds one with wider mounts and the other with narrower mounts .
The 90 is the narrow style
The problem I have is there only these two and are the mounts the only difference with them or is the actual design different as well ?
So if I find a narrow mount one would it work on my 90?
Here's a pic of the two I've found
View attachment 1066370
View attachment 1066371
Thanks for the help !
Hi Ernie... I believe the one you want for your 90 is the first one mounted the the red 49sp cyl cover. Part# 504 98 34-25. The 90 IPL shows it to have the narrow cut out rather than the wide cut out. I think the wide cut out would fit the 70E with the Nord fella top cover.
Thanks for the reply Robin !Hi Ernie... I believe the one you want for your 90 is the first one mounted the the red 49sp cyl cover. Part# 504 98 34-25. The 90 IPL shows it to have the narrow cut out rather than the wide cut out. I think the wide cut out would fit the 70E with the Nord fella top cover.
Anyone see what's wrong here???|tkp:Bk9SR7ab8vrdYQ
BINGO! And the 590 had no decomp and was 45MM bore.........that cyl is a 46mm 55 Husky open port cyl. Have to be very careful buying 590 cyls. I bought one once and when I got it was actually a 44mm 490 cly. as the pics didn't show the cast numbers. No harm no foul as I didn't mind having a spare 490 cyl. but just the same not what I wanted to buy. As an aside the 590 cyl is more or less a carbon copy of the much cherished Husky 55 EPA P&C.Not being an expert, I thought 590s and 490s were all closed port cylinders.
Well it sold...some one is out $40.00 or so for used Rancher 55 cyl with light transfer!!!!
Never seen that bracket either....weird!Here's another one......better condition than the one I interesting to watch and see what it goes for.
Weird little bracket on the front below the muffler......don't have a clue what that's all about.....|tkp:Bk9SR_bv7-zWYQ
Looks like a wrap-handle repair. That's where my helper broke mine. Had a gusset welded in there...looked awful and tubing cracked eventually. Finally bought the correct diameter tubing, shaped it to fit perfectly and had it welded.Yeah.......I might be moved to build/rebuild a two or three of these to's one example......not as minty as the one just sold but with new rings and seals and some other cosmetics with the big dawgs and full wrap (with correct lower AV mount) also have a west coast low exhaust muffler to and new decomp to install.. Should bring a decent return I would think.....
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I doubt they are as they are specific to the particular saw they came on.....serial #, build date code etc.So were the i.d tags on the cases not an available replacement part ?
Looking on the IPL's for my 21 series saws I don't see any part numbers for any of them .
I was trying to hunt one down for my 2188
I didn't think about the particular serial number to each saw on the tag ...that would make sense they wouldn't be available individually.I doubt they are as they are specific to the particular saw they came on.....serial #, build date code etc.