Looks like an S to me ..with the early short leg full wrap.
Mark- casting mark "S" or "S1"?
That would make it a 110 i believe.
Looks like an S to me ..with the early short leg full wrap.
Mark- casting mark "S" or "S1"?
Late to the party....it's a 111S because of the two-piece top. The 111 had a once-piece top for most of its production run. The 110 had different crank bearings and a slightly different case profile, but you need them side by side to appreciate the differences.
Well, Mark, you gotcha the old-school big dawg. The Holy Grail of collector exaggerations....lol! The full-wrap has some weirdness to it(looks like a repair top middle and the drop with the 'bob' has something going on), but the wrap itself might have been original. Bearing in mind that the full-wraps were subcontracted out when they got to the States. No Jonsereds came to the US with full-wraps. And there were some slight differences geographically; some were steel and some were aluminum etc.....different diameters too.
Nice condition muffler and the louver models breathed the best. The saw is half again larger than it needs to be and the wrap would catch on everything dragging it through the wood's brush. My arms hurt looking at it. Hopefully, as you tear it down, you don't find it to be a Frankensaw.
Someone needs to find a real 100cc 910E...THAT'S a force of nature!
That's why I used the term 'Frankensaw'....this could be a mix match of parts against the original saw. It just kinda has that look to me......Scott tore enough of these down.....he would know. (Bulletpruf).But the 110 cases were "S" and that one looks to be an S not an S1 as the 111 and 111S cases should be- but then the two piece top cover is wrong.
Have seen two styles of full wrap on these- this short one may be earlier than the more full depth one with partial return towards (but no attachment to) clutch cover/case.
Bingo.....clearly marked 'S1' when you blow the pic up.The cases are S1 cases. Zoom in on the starter side pic just above the gas cap
You won't find much.......the only tag is the serial number tag which was mounted vertically just forward of the "S1" casting on the flywheel side above the gas cap....note the two rivit holes there. Your tag is missing.....not that it would tell you much anyway.There are no other tags or markings on the saw that I can find. I'll keep looking as I take it down.
That's a 920-30 clutch cover...910's were totally different.Can anyone tell me if this is the brake handle assembly for the 910 (https://www.ebay.com/itm/276520814405)
The part number listed doesn't match to what my IPLs show, but it's listed as an assembly for a 920/930 (which are the same for the 910).