I don't see how skier2's opinion would get this kicked. I mean, the original post was borderline since this whole thing will become a huge political football in due time but CYA in ANY government org is normal procedure.
I don't see how skier2's opinion would get this kicked. I mean, the original post was borderline since this whole thing will become a huge political football in due time but CYA in ANY government org is normal procedure.
Have you worked on any timber sales on government land? Gotten any TSI contracts? Contracted out on fires?
It always amazes me how many people with no actual experience in logging, especially the Left Coast timber industry, feel qualified to comment on it.
They're dilettantes...wannabes... and they bring nothing useful to the discussions.
Do they have a right to their opinions? Of course.
Do we, the people directly involved, have the right to laugh at them and then ignore them? We sure do. I'm glad for that.
But if you ignore them, you don't see or hear the misinformation spewing out. That's a problem with the internet. Anybody, no matter what, can pose as an "expert" and BS away. Opinions? Yes, but make sure folks know it is an opinion and not fact. Ignoring, lets those folks continue unchallenged.
Brilliant observation. It is people like you that keep me away from AS. Can we get this expert kicked out of F&L?