Judge overturns State/Cal Fire findings

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I don't see how skier2's opinion would get this kicked. I mean, the original post was borderline since this whole thing will become a huge political football in due time but CYA in ANY government org is normal procedure.

Really? What is your experience? You use the term "huge". Where is your documentation?

I maintain that government agencies are not all that different from large corporations. In fact, one coworker left the government to go to work for one of those and told us she did less work for more pay. I will not cite her name here, you'll have to take my word.

Have you worked on any timber sales on government land? Gotten any TSI contracts? Contracted out on fires?
Have you worked on any timber sales on government land? Gotten any TSI contracts? Contracted out on fires?

It always amazes me how many people with no actual experience in logging, especially the Left Coast timber industry, feel qualified to comment on it.
They're dilettantes...wannabes... and they bring nothing useful to the discussions.
Do they have a right to their opinions? Of course.
Do we, the people directly involved, have the right to laugh at them and then ignore them? We sure do. I'm glad for that.
It always amazes me how many people with no actual experience in logging, especially the Left Coast timber industry, feel qualified to comment on it.
They're dilettantes...wannabes... and they bring nothing useful to the discussions.
Do they have a right to their opinions? Of course.
Do we, the people directly involved, have the right to laugh at them and then ignore them? We sure do. I'm glad for that.

But if you ignore them, you don't see or hear the misinformation spewing out. That's a problem with the internet. Anybody, no matter what, can pose as an "expert" and BS away. Opinions? Yes, but make sure folks know it is an opinion and not fact. Ignoring, lets those folks continue unchallenged.
But if you ignore them, you don't see or hear the misinformation spewing out. That's a problem with the internet. Anybody, no matter what, can pose as an "expert" and BS away. Opinions? Yes, but make sure folks know it is an opinion and not fact. Ignoring, lets those folks continue unchallenged.

Well said. Different people have different approaches.
I don't totally ignore them. If they make an idiotic statement I'll usually say something in reply. When they make a statement based on ignorance or hearsay, especially if it's demeaning and unnecessarily critical of the logging industry, I'll make it a point to correct them.

And you're right, it's always nice to know what kind of misinformation is going around. A lot of people who can manage to start a saw and use it to cut down a tree think they're loggers. Because they clear two acres of scrub they think that qualifies them to comment on logging in general. It usually doesn't take long before their ignorance exposes itself. There are a lot of people like that around.
Worse than them are the ones with no logging experience and an agenda.

If they ask an honest question and accept an honest answer I'll spend some time trying to help them. I think everybody here would. If one of the weekend warriors starts giving them bad or dangerous information...and that happens more often than it should... I'll try to set them straight.

What I won't do is establish any kind of ongoing argumentative dialogue with anybody. I hate arguing. Arguing never solves anything and if common facts don't change somebody's bad ideas I really believe that arguing is a waste of time.
They say what they have to say, I say what I have to say.
If they keep running their mouth, then I ignore them. Life is more peaceful that way.
Brilliant observation. It is people like you that keep me away from AS. Can we get this expert kicked out of F&L?

I don’t see how my experiences or opinion of madhatte’s situation would grant me any sort of expertise in the area of NWCG accreditation- so in case there was any confusion, I'm no expert.
From someone who appears to have an active background in the world of wildland firefighting, I am curious if you have any insight on the wall madhatte appears to be running into.
As far as asking for me to be kicked out of the F&L forum... if there's a problem with something, PM me- I'd like to think I'm a pretty agreeable guy.