Hey Folks, I just joined on March 5th 2007, I actually stumbled across your site while looking for some info on a chainsaw I am looking at buying. I got pretty excited as I have been trying to find info on several questions or issues I occasionally ran into over the last couple years, and was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled onto your site:
I have been cutting my own firewood for the last 10 years and when I first begun to get my own firewood, I did it entirely by chain saw, (cutting axp 6-8 cords and splitting by Axe) Then about 3 years ago, I was talking to a local farmer in my area, and asked if he knows anyone that has a buzz saw for sale or if he ever happens to run across one at an auction to grab it for me if it isn't too much $$$. So a week later he drives up to my place with a buzz saw in the back of his truck. It only cost me $100.00, but had to put some sweat equity into it to get it working... It used to run off a pulley rigged up for a tractor, but I wanted it to run off a gas engine.
Attached is a pic of the saw, as it was just after modifying it. I have already made some additional mods to it. Runs like a charm, needless to say, saves a tonne of work...