ArboristSite Lurker
is your current fuel filter see-thru, is it empty when the motor stalls?
I think I see where you are going. Yes it is. I'll check next time it happens.is your current fuel filter see-thru, is it empty when the motor stalls?
Did you see a oil high temp sensor switch in the IPL? Some people have mentioned one, but I don't see it.Yes the fuel pump is operated on the same principal as the fuel pump in a saw carb. Should have 3 lines on it, fuel in, fuel out, and the pulse line. Usually held on by 2 bolts.
From your parts list, it doesn't appear that a oil cooler was an option, so one less thing to worry about. Usually there's an adapter plate between the engine block and oil fikter with short lines going to a radiator looking cooler, or a finned aluminum heat sink looking type cooler. The lower hp v twins didn't have them.
Dual tanks. I replaced one cap last year and the other just a week ago. Both are the vented type. But thanks.Sounds like the fuel cap vents are plugged.
Not yet. I keep using it 20 minutes at a time to get the yard caught up. Tomorrow or Tuesday I'll get to it.Get a chance to fiddle with it yet?
Good idea, I'll check today.Use to work at a JD dealership here down under.
Have seen mowers that clog the pick up in the tank with grass.
Mower stops or surges.
Once stopped for a while and the vacuum in the line let's go grass will drop back out and mower will start again till it picks it up again.
Not sure if this can happen if you have duel tanks.
So can it puck up fuel from either tank?
These were NGK BPR5ES gapped at 0.035". Somewhere I saw the proper ones for this engine (Kawasaki FH680V-BS01-01) were NGK BPR4ES gapped at 0.75" (Misprint? 0.075" .... kind of large). So the BPR4ES is what I got. I gapped them at 0.035". Any idea the difference? Which is correct?
Aah, didn't consider metric. Makes more sense now.I dunno what's correct, but 0.75mm is approximately .030 inch.
No, I just assume it's new, it should work. I'll check. I also meant to say, it cranks fine, just won't catch.You're issue has nothing to do with the plugs. Surging is a carb/fuel issue. Have you checked the fuel pump for adequate flow while cranking?
I made sure that the orientation of new/old was the same and installed correctly.Also, doesn't hurt to double check that the fuel pump is hooked up right.