Keeping your saw clean

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Tyvek pants over chaps is an interesting idea. Especially for working around poison ivy.

Hardly a better way to get poison Ivy than cutting it with a chainsaw. Got one of the worst cases ever last hurricane season. Wouldn’t have even touched that tree if it weren’t on my neighbors car. Don’t think any clothing would have saved me.
Hardly a better way to get poison Ivy than cutting it with a chainsaw. Got one of the worst cases ever last hurricane season. Wouldn’t have even touched that tree if it weren’t on my neighbors car. Don’t think any clothing would have saved me.
It doesn’t affect me at all, but I cut mostly for restaurants and have been told if they smoke meat with wood with poison ivy on it someone allergic could have a life threatening reaction. I don’t know if that’s true, but I’m not interested in killing anyone that doesn’t deserve it.
I just pull it off before I split the wood.
It doesn’t affect me at all, but I cut mostly for restaurants and have been told if they smoke meat with wood with poison ivy on it someone allergic could have a life threatening reaction. I don’t know if that’s true, but I’m not interested in killing anyone that doesn’t deserve it.
I just pull it off before I split the wood.
Not to derail but I’ll give some good advice to someone who might need it someday. I’m extremely allergic and I live and cut in poison oak/Ivy country. I’ve learned to avoid getting a breakout almost entirely by carrying a bandana and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. If I know I’m going to be cutting into the vines I’ll dowse the bandana with alcohol and rub down my whole upper body every tank or two. Sweating also puts you at more risk because the sweat collects the oils and runs down your pants. Not good. And yes, exposure to burning Ivy is bad. Never took that chance though.
Hardly a better way to get poison Ivy than cutting it with a chainsaw. Got one of the worst cases ever last hurricane season. Wouldn’t have even touched that tree if it weren’t on my neighbors car. Don’t think any clothing would have saved me.

Ivy-x wipes work really well if you use them accordingly.
I filled a parts washer one time with pure undiluted purple power or a similar water based cleaner. I figured it would be fine. I left a handle bar of an old Homelite laying in the bottom and forgot about it. Quite awhile later I discovered what was left of it which was not a whole lot/ That cleaner ate the da..m handle bar. In it's full strength it will eat/fade paint quick to. For being "safe" and water based it has some nasty effects. As you noted though in a basement it is great as there is no odor
YEAH, BUT MOST like PP and Simple Green ONLY NEED 1-oz to 2-oz per gallon to be effective degreasers?
YEAH, BUT MOST like PP and Simple Green ONLY NEED 1-oz to 2-oz per gallon to be effective degreasers?
Well heck then. Them lying sons of tornadoes say to use it full strength on engines! Are you telling me a 2.5 gallon jug will make 160 to 320 gallons of effective degreaser? That means they are UNDER valuing their product. That is sure an oddity............... :) :) Talk about false advertising there.Purple Power 1.JPGPurple Power 2.JPG
I used to use organic solvents (fuel, paint thinner, etc,) for cleaning greasy parts, put got concerned about absorbing too much of that through my skin, the flammability, and the smell (I often work in the basement).

I really like the water based commercial degreasers, especially the ones with lye, although, they will still dry out your hands if you don’t wear gloves, and you don’t want to splash any of these in your eyes.

I also like the citrus based degreasers (several brands available), often found in spray bottles in the auto care aisles. These are really convenient for cleaning off a saw in the field with a rag.

How do these compare with LA Totally Awesome laundry pretreater from the Dollar store? The 1quart spray bottles are much better than there 1gallon refill size.
How do these compare with LA Totally Awesome laundry pretreater from the Dollar store? The 1quart spray bottles are much better than there 1gallon refill size.
I that that the LA Awesome spray bottles are already at ‘diluted’ strength, vs the concentrate in gallons. Have to do the ‘diluted math’.

I once had a phone conversation with the chemist at Zep chemicals, and he convinced me that the stuff I use was appropriate for my tasks, vs household cleaning.

I that that the LA Awesome spray bottles are already at ‘diluted’ strength, vs the concentrate in gallons. Have to do the ‘diluted math’.

I once had a phone conversation with the chemist at Zep chemicals, and he convinced me that the stuff I use was appropriate for my tasks, vs household cleaning.

I only tried the gallon size once undiluted thinking it a better bargain, quart or gallon undiluted I thought the quart size worked better maybe just my imagination. I used some ZEP products for years in the private car detailing business some worked great and others not so much like cleaning car engine compartments most were dealer trad ins before going on the lot 4 model years or less so not heavy grime.
I use ‘Super Clean’, mixed 50/50 on grease chains. Lower concentration on other stuff.

But I usually only have to soak things for a few minutes.

There is big difference between a 1:1 mix and what the poster said
YEAH, BUT MOST like PP and Simple Green ONLY NEED 1-oz to 2-oz per gallon to be effective degreasers?

I think at 50/50 it is good but at 64:1 or 128:1 I highly suspect it being anything but marginally effective.
I use 50:50 on greasy, gunky, steel chains. The lower dilution rates are for lesser amounts of soil, different materials, etc. There can also be trade offs with soaking time vs efficiency, using hotter water, more mechanical removal, etc. These products are sold for a wide range of applications.

I would use a lower dilution for cleaning the plastic case, and for laundry use.

I wonder if the tape will meld (become one with) and take paint with it eventually.
I wonder if the tape will meld (become one with) and take paint with it eventually.

Tape was a success. Kept the 400c clean, but the tape came off the 500i. I think it is still on the 261, but I don't remember.

The problem is, is that the very clean and shiny area that was taped off, just makes the rest of the saw look extra dirty.
Before and after. Not a bad little experiment on the 400c.

What is most alarming is the scarce amount of Excess Tape Residue. That was a major concern buried early in this thread by the concerned poster who vigorously sounded the alarm over the Tape Residue problem. To me that was like a passenger sounding the "Ice Berg Ahead" warning. Which is fine if you are crossing the Atlantic, but it seemed more like an addled brain sounding the alarm while crossing the Arizona landscape in the middle of June. But what do I know. :laughing:

BTW, it took about 5 seconds to put this tape on several months ago, and 6 or more seconds to remove the same tape. :yes:

I'll put more tape on, before my next firewood cutting session and rip it off again before a good cleaning, before winter comes again.
