ArboristSite Operative
Very well put, Jack!
Originally posted by TreeCo
I've gone back and looked at the photos of the Kong double ascender and I think a minor change in the way it is built would make it a much better product. I'm suggesting it has a serious design flaw because the way it is built it is impossible to capture both ropes with a carabineer on both sides at the same time. It's also impossible to do it with two carabineers.
If you notice the red and the blue sides are mirror images of each other. The ascender as a whole is not symmetrical. If the red and blue side were made identical except for color...and the blue side was on the opposite side of the ascender from the red.....over the other handle........the carabineer holes would not line up and it would be possible to capture the rope on each side with a separate carabineer.
I believe the change I'm suggesting would improve the Kong double ascender and also work well for the purposes we've discussed in this thread.
Kong might not even need to manufacture that mirrored imaged ascender half any longer.
Dan Nelson
Originally posted by TreeCo
I was thinking that the double ascender is to wide for one biner to pass through all four holes....two holes in each ascender. Each ascender needs to have it's rope captured. One biner that catches the center two holes but does not catch the two outside holes I don't believe captures the rope correctly on either side.
That's precisely what I'd described, Gordon Wood (can't get that out of my noodle since the other day...), though not with strap. No need for apology. Indeed, I thank you for supplying the visual. Will the ascender properly tend strap hitch as it will with cord?Originally posted by Gord
glen if this is what you were describing my apologies.
Originally posted by glens
It's entirely possible that Kong will not want to tool up for what amounts to a different design. And I don't even think it's necessary. See the attached image.
Originally posted by glens
In my informal tests with the hitch (although not with a dual ascender), it slides up like a tab of butter on a hot ear of corn, even after loading (which would never happen in normal use, right?).
Regarding the alignment of the ropes, the hitch as shown will indeed allow the ropes to slide toward the cams but the ropes will not be able to fall out of the "tunnels" since the ropes are tethered to each other each side of the divider. The only thing that would change in terms of cam action should be that the rope might at times have more wrap on the cam. If it's not loaded and you're advancing the ascender that shouldn't be much of a problem and it will certainly assist camming/locking action when loading the assembly in such instances.