Here it is with the regular clutch cover on. The muff mod was never designed to cope with the regular cover but it goes on just fine and doesn't look too bad either. The chain brake touches the pipe but works fine
So BobL is ther any video of your saw running so we can hear that pipe. If it has been posted before I havent found it. If it hasnt you should make one:greenchainsaw:
This is an old thread, but it might be helpful.
I explain the math I used to arrive at my sizes.
Thanks Carl but I have no probs working out the relative area increases. What I don't want to do is open the pipe up so much that the saw runs too lean. The inserts allow me to open up the pipe in a controlled way to make sure I stay within the tuning range of the main jet. I don't want to increase the jet size to enable me to run at fully open (ie 19 mm) as this sucker is a milling saw and already uses enough juice as it is.
Not much has been said about this mod?? I assume it's not as good as Lakeside's??? I would be a lot simpler to do... No screen, but the "slits" wouldn't be that prone to letting in debris. Has no one else done this?
Thinking about modding my 310 but I can't make myself do it. To concerned that I might screw it up. I'm thinking about using the cover for the arrestor screen for the location of the hole. going to start with a 7/16" hole and see what happens. Any suggestions as to where I should place the hole, or will this work.
Even a saw as new as the Stihl 441 can be easily muffler modded!!!
Still havnt done mine yet but I love using the saw even stock.