Lambert Logging

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never had the louis, but the napoleon XO remains to this day the best cognac I have ever drank. However, one must also have a cuban to go with it - partagas preferably. Remy is a good friend of mine:)

Most often Coors light fills the void...
XO and Napoleon are two different Remys. Napoleon resides between VSOP and XO. Used to be about $70 vs. about $40 for VSOP and about $100 for XO. I haven't seen Napoleon in many (>10) years. If you like XO, try the Hennessy and Courvoisier XO's as well. A bit above that comes the Hennessy Paradis, then the Remy Extra, then Louis, then Hennessy Richard and finally Hennessy "Timeless", a blend of 100+ year Cognacs. That's about it for the commercially available stuff. Frankly, I'd be hard pressed to tell the difference in quality between the last three, other than their distinct tastes. Last I saw, "Timeless" was $2500 a bottle.

Ain't chainsaws great? A snifter of Cognac, a Cuban and a 3120: just what everyone needs.:)
right you are doug - what I was supposed to be talking about, is the XO.

I dont know where I got Napoleon from??....probably from the warm feeling on my chest that felt so good that made my hand disappear under my own father brings us a bottle to drink every time he comes for a visit and its always nicer than last time....and no I have had all the other cognacs and remy is in a different class from the others, VSOP is good for remy and courvoisier, but after that its all remy for me - or coors light ;)

...and yes the chainsaws are great...except I would have to leave the saws idling while I finished my two favourites...

PS. are we far enought off topic yet to make this like it used to be......:cool:
Er, uh, hic*.

Yew Ghuyszh ev' try snowshoe grog? Man, that stuff'll put hair on yer chest...or mebbe take it off...hic*.

I don't drink nothin' that costs more than about $30 or so a jug, wine or spirit. I like sour-mash whisky, and scotch. I tried pinch once...couldn't find any reason to pay the extra over Johnny W.

There's some benefit in an uneducated palate.
Gypo and I were treated to the best of the best on our trip back East. Yeah, we showed our A$$ES but we were both enlightened to the finner things and some of the best people one could find.

Who else can say that they stood out there racing Hotsaws and later sitting down to a 1000+ dollar bottle of coganc and a table full of Lobsters.

I am sure Gypo thinks the way I do on this...We were enlighted to some of the finer things in life, but what really made the trip great for me was Doug and Jane and there down home hospitality.

Wanna say Remi-Martin and logging in the same sentence, well you might as well say Dbabcock also. This man can play all fields; from entertaining corporate types to falling trees like a pro.

Where else on the Hotsaw circut do you get embrioderd towles that say "Gypo" on one set and "Rotax Robert" on the other set presented to you when you first walk in the door..(unless we really did need a bath) Jane made these towel sets for us herself.
Love Ya Jane.

Anyway case in point here, I think a good cold 15 cases of beer Stihl beets a hundred year old cognac.

Rotax Robert
Thanks for the kind words, Robert. You and John are welcome here any time you want. Maybe next year we can get Otto up for a few beverages and some saw action as well.

Word to the wise: If beer is your game and you want to prove your ability to drink mass quantities of the stuff over a continuous period of many days, don't even think of challenging Rotax. Five days, 4 hours maximum sleep each night and dawn-to-dawn embellishment. Now you're loggin'!
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Yes Siree, Robert and I had a riot at Babcocks places in N.H., as in Live Free or Die. I was lucky and didnt have to part with no $$ at all as my Canadian Tire money wasnt welcome there, plus I always forgot my wallet quite by accident. However, as inbibing as we were Babcocks hydro bill was sky high, cause Rotax couldnt figure out where the light switches were. Robert was a gentleman and sprung for lunch at 159$ U.S. I thought I could enveagle that louse Doug to write me a check for 150,000 U.S. on general principals alone, however I was advised to get a life.
So I did, and went to work, and look at me! Im wearing safety gear, only because I had to, Im working for someone else, but just for a week.
Thanks Doug and Robert For the great time.
Gypo !!! see how good denim works under kevlar...OSHA aprooved riggin...Now were loggin. OOPS, YOU WERE WEARING HEARING PROTECTION ALSO...NOW WERE LOGGIN...Thanks guys
I was thinkin' that when you get the new saw (I think it's still in the back of Lou's camper), maybe I'll find my way out there and drop by for a bit. Since I hate checking luggage, I think I'll just pack a carry-on bag with a few cameras, a toothbrush, a bottle of Remy and a pair of chaps. Thanks to Susie, I doubt I'd have any trouble getting the new OSHA approved Zypster to come along as well. If she weren't in the picture, it would probably cost me $150,000 just to get the time of day out of him. You and I could screw around with saws at the Barage while "Slappie" practiced up on his welding elsewhere.
Robert, Gypo, Doug...while I never got to sample any of the Remy, that may have been for the best...but i will take part in any beer drinking contest....

I wasnt able to make it to Dougs, but I can attest to his and Janes great company and personalities. They are definitely a one of a kind couple!!

When is Thanksgiving in the US?? I am in Enumclaw on the 9th-11th of november to start the contest!!
How's it goin' there fella's, did ya get the timber down and out yet?
Thanks Doug for the 100 lbs. of 50's. I bought a couple of log trucks, I hope you dont mind.
Where you been, boy? Passed out in the woods for a few days again? Why did you buy those f^&king log trucks? You might as well have rolled the bills up into a giant splif and blown what's left of that piddling mind of yours to Uranus. I sent you the check as a loan so you could buy that house and now look what you do. What a f*$king Putz!
Alright Babcock, Ive just about had it with your condecending hat he chewed. Ok, ok, maybe I did misapropriate the funds a bit, so I liquidated the assets for a few bucks and I am now the proud owner of a chainsaw training program.
Remember, safety first!

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