Lambert Logging

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The only way to get a 066 out of Canada is to file for a wanttobeafeller license.This includes a rectal exam and it will need a spouse's signature (wife/sister)in NC. Nelson
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Now now guy's be nice to the kid although I can't quite figure out why he wants to go to Cananada I know he wants to go loggin with Gypo and see if they can't both get fines from osha:D :D Well maybe not :rolleyes:

later Rob...
You must have more than seven employees for OSHA to get involed with a company.Other wise it is a (state/providence) inspection.But that's nothing a 24 pack can't smooth over.
Thank you for sending me a picture of your boy,It's great to see the offspring waiting for the big stems.Seth

This is such a great picture.I will share it with you.
JD Lambert.Jr
I can still post picture.Well after I pointed out the secret behind the SHEEPGODFATHERS fetish,you never know.
Master of Puppets
Originally posted by dbabcock
Has your ability to post pictures been revoked?

I just found this in the 'off topic' forum:

The country
This cartoon is not what we want to see on AS, nor does it fall into the guidlines that have been set.

This was not a PG13 image.

If anyone wanted to see it they know how to get to those sites to view those images.

If you want to continue to keep your memebership here do not post pictures like this again.

Thank you the Arboristsite Moderator's.

Last edited by TREEGODFATHER on 10-12-2002 at 06:59 PM
I'm not saying it is right, but slipping a picture of an attractive woman into a chit-chat thread 4-5 pages deep isn't the same as posting a new thread to announce a disgusting cartoon pic of beastiality.
Seth, and if i do recall, I personally had to delete a link to a site that was entirely unacceptable...that was posted by yourself...we all need to use a little bit of judgement when posting on an open forum..
and now that we are way off topic out for a little hunt and fish today...while I was down at the lake, Pink was doing a little fishing of her own...when I asked her what she was going to catch with that....she just replied that she was trolling for Lambert trout...

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