land clearing with husqvarna 365sp & 440xtorq

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ok so i am uploading a video which i would HIGHLY reccomend anybody following this thread to watch,basicly it's my first attempt to cut some LARGE ash trees in the woods,pictures don't do the height of these trees any justice so i would reccomend watching this video. you will see in the video on both sides there are extremly high strong ASH trees so i am in the middle clearing away all the smaller stuff out of the way,i have a few loads already in the smaller stuff and i havn't hardly started yet cutting anything :hmm3grin2orange: so basicly i am clearing a nice path to drop the large ash trees,the video shows exactly the size of these
BAD BOYS! :laugh::D



yes i am working on the camera lense,there is a smudge and i don't know's not that old,maybe got a little damp inside
i am hoping it will dry out.

time will tell cause i doubt any way of cleaning them.

my own fire lastnight around 9:30PM with some ASH & silver birtch,very cosy room we had,allthough this stove is not huge it heats up the room and downstairs in our home immencly!!

the hardwoods burning in full swing,after an hour....


and around 2hours later it was RED hot and topped it up again with more loggs ;)


ok so today is thursday the 12th and we are off to the woods to cut more ASH trees.
will update this evening of the days work,THANK GOD no more clearing bushes!!

ok,PHEW,long day,tired as hell after it,tough work...once again both saws performed flawlessly!! i'm extremly delighted with both these chainsaws,i would highly reccomend them to anybody,anyway,i will let the pictures do the talking,we got two large loads of ASH home today and we have our log piles as shown here in the pics after todays work ready to load up and bring home whenever.

first some pictures of the roadway now after a lot of rain


loading up the large ash tree from yesterday




place is fairly wet now


as you can see very wet roadway in now.but not a problem for the nissan.


ok so time to go in the woods and plan the first few trees out today,we cleared a nice area in the center to FELL all the
trees in to,some had dangeous degree of lean angles so i had to control that with wedges and bring them to fall where i
wanted.worked out great with no problems today.


first one down





first cluster of LOVELY ASH to fall long and nice pole size,the next one is much wider and higher though in next pics

first cluster still almost done


and one left of this cluster



not so small in person either




nearly the first batch done now

still the first few,getting adjusted to the new woods!


sun is out now and it's lovely here,i can hear the cuckoo singing a tune up high in the forest.


ok first cluster STILLLLLL


first cluster heaped,not bad for a start off and after half hour



cutting what's left with husqvarna 365sp,will be no waste here.

ok first cluster of ASH trees done and dusted


i will cut more of these stumps later on...




time to move on today to another cluster of fantastic ASH which are getting BIGGER AND BIGGER :msp_biggrin::msp_biggrin:
ok second cluster of ASH

these are far from small,maybe 50ft high and wide !!


one down!!


nice work 440xtorq


here is a tree nearby i will be taking in august,large douglas FIR,i will wait first till all the wildlife have gone
i may even leave this till last....


working on the second cluster


few logs heaped from the start of the second batch,LOVELY ASH!!! :blob2::blob2:
so this place was WELL worth the work clearing in for!
i'm EXTREMLY pleased with the quality of this wood,unreal! :msp_biggrin:

so i am doing a quick video of the 365sp in action with a freshly sharpened chain cutting some ASH today.

all the best
just to explain some of the hinge cuts i used,some of the trees were leaning back the other way so i had to bring a high back cut also using the wedges to control the tree and push them forward and to fall in to the center where i done all the limbing.
another thing i love about ASH trees,never much waste either.

quick video of my 365sp cutting some ash after i just gave it a fresh sharpening with a new oregon file,rakers
were checked and flat-filed down a little too. cutting awesome!

quick video of my 365sp cutting some ash after i just gave it a fresh sharpening with a new oregon file,rakers
were checked and flat-filed down a little too. cutting awesome!

[video=youtube;HhqcTaTHCDw][/video] those Huskys! :msp_thumbsup: Thanks again for sharing pics and video of the love you have for working with
your Huskys, and giving us a look at your beautiful country. :msp_thumbup: Keep up the good work.
Work safe. ::thumbsup::
thanks lads for the feedback!

very appreciated,i am off to work now again and i am drained!!!! :D it sure is tough work though.
thing is i am still sort of wrecked after all the clearing we had to do my arms are sore from swinging the 440 around the place
to clear the bushes,it was the toughest work i had to do getting in to this woods,and still is tough to manoeuvre around in here as it's so wet but the GOOD news is the work is getting easier now as we are in the woods,it's cleaner,less clearing and less tiring.

later,have a good day to you all.
weather is sunny and clear here today and i'm off to work @ quater to eleven,friday morning.
