Landing Fire?

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Thanks for the replys everyone!

Yeah now that I've got the idea in my head I'm probably going to bring a barrel out to the landing when it starts getting cold enough. I have a feeling that my winter days are going to go like this- Since I'm running the biggest saw on the job I will get done first and will have to wait for Brett (Icepick) to finish up (yep that's little poke :D). That will give me time to get a decent fire going to unthaw my fingers and toes. Then when Brett gets out he will want to do the same and I will have to wait for the skidder op to finish up anyway. What else goes good around a barrel fire? Little schnapps to warm a guy up? Something that's not easily detectable by the missus when I get home, but still takes the chill out of my bones.

Had to scrape the truck windows this morning already. I need a new scraper for the skidder too. Its cold mud season now until the snow flies.

Grilled PB & J is awesome by the way. Fry it up in a pan with some butter like a grilled cheese.
If it is real cold or wet I'll build myself a small fire where I'm working to sit by or crouch by while I'm eating. Last one was in pretty dry ground covered with pine straw. I used my boot to make a nice big area of bare ground and then used some of that pine straw to start the fire. It took one paper match. Add a few busted up pine branches and I enjoyed lunch despite a 10-15 wind and 26°
We had a burn barrel until today. Meet an untimely demise to the yarder track. In the past we just built a fire along the inside of the road next to the cut bank to keep from taking the frost out of the road. When I worked on longline crew we had a barrel with a broken choker cable clamped on both sides. Landing man would stoke up a fire a little before lunch and the yarder guy flew it down to us. Pretty awesome when you've been walloring around in waist deep snow all day.
Amen to that! When yer up to your nards in snow -- you bet yer sweet bippy there's a landing fire. . . And one in the bush if you can get it lit. :D