landscape timbers for firewood

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Feb 16, 2008
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Across the bridge.
I got about thirty old landscape timbers that have been out in the weather for several years. They are really dried out but still solid. Would they work for firewood or would they be too toxic to burn. I have seen people burning them on brushpiles before. Whatever you guys tell me that's what i'll do. If i can't burn them, any ideas how to get rid of them. The land fill won't take lumber or trees. I'm not that hard up for firewood YET but i hate to waste them if there is some kind of use for them. I have no use for them around here other than firewood. Some of them are really curved and twisted so they would not work for lanscaping something.
Maybe you could use them on the ground to stack your firewood on? I wouldnt burn them if they are pressure treated.:cheers:
Pressure treated wood becomes "toxic" when burned. The smoke is not real good to breath. I'd be lying if I said I've never used it for heat though.
Pressure treated wood becomes "toxic" when burned. The smoke is not real good to breath. I'd be lying if I said I've never used it for heat though.
Toxic That's the word i needed to hear. I knew the fresh ones would be, but i didn't know if that stuff they treat it with stayed with it for many years of weathering. Now that i think about it that's why it don't rot lying on the ground even after several years. Oh well, It's been a long day. Brain's not engaged.
I believe that arsenic is used in the treatment. That's what comes out when it's burned.
use them

Use them to stack firewood on, they won't be rotting for a long time. The older stuff (pre 2004) is chromated copper arsenate or CCA. This is the stuff that killed horses when they chewed on fence posts so it was banned a/o 1/1/2004. The newer stuff is alkaline copper quat (ACQ types B and D) and copper azole (CBA-A, CA-B) it's still toxic too particularly when burned.
Go to google. You'll find all you need to know. Apparently the new treated lumber isn't arsenic anymore but is just as bad when burned.
Use them to stack firewood on, they won't be rotting for a long time. The older stuff (pre 2004) is chromated copper arsenate or CCA. This is the stuff that killed horses when they chewed on fence posts so it was banned a/o 1/1/2004. The newer stuff is alkaline copper quat (ACQ types B and D) and copper azole (CBA-A, CA-B) it's still toxic too particularly when burned.
They are definitely pre 2004.
And now its the copper that corrodes the galvanized joist hangers. Yeah dont burn'em especially if they are PT.
ARkansas? Know anyone that rides trials motorcycles? I am always looking for something to build obstacles to climb on my trials bike. I know there are some trials riders in Arkansas. Look up Winters Cycle Shack on the net. If he is close by he would probably know someone looking to build some obstacles to practice on.