Been writing the novel 'Symbiosis'
Thanks for asking, Trinity. I've been writing my website material very consistently and learning more about how an e-commerce website works than I ever thought possible. Kinda nice to have so much time, it's like being in class ten hours a day. It's a lotta, lotta, lotta, lotta work.
I'm writing a lot of 'product descriptions', and working with the images and links. I've been working on safety products at the store, . Choosing from hundreds of items, I have to boil it down to reasonable number of choices for the customer. Then I have to write descriptions in two places in the store and create the feature stories for those products on the website. It's been a monstrous effort to keep all the categories pared down so it's not overwhelming to the reader.
And I write a lot on Arboristsite, every single day. I offered up that commitment, formally, a year or so ago. I shared with the Arboristsite
Big Kahuna my intent to create a website and that rather than draw readership away from AS, I would instead create an introduction in my to a topic, and then hyperlink to that topic being discussed over here. I, then, will contribute freely and fully to that thread and try to make it something special.
How's that sound so far? connects all it's readership by virtue of trees, which is kinda universal. The two main themes at are 'Safety' and 'Recycling', two fairly non-controversial topics. My grassroots arborist market is the smallest of my target audiences, which include: Woodworking, home improvement and maintenence, and the big audience, lawn, landscape, and gardening.
I reach out to those audiences, secretly trying to find arborists who don't know about AS, and to find noobs who need to find AS. As you know, I really like helping noobs.'s mission is, well I have yet to fully develop the mission, but one of it's main purposes is to bring more visitors to Arboristsite. More visitors is good. It's good for Arboristsite, good for our pool of readers and contributors, and it's good for the sponsors. The products sold at pretty much all come from the Arboristsite sponsors in keeping with the 'support ArboristSite' theme.
My mission, then, I guess, would be to create multi-directional win/wins for all parties involved. THAT is
beneficially mutualistic symbiosis. Under the laws of nature, that is a relationship that will last.