Originally posted by MasterBlaster
This outta be a poll. I'm curious.
If your keeping score MB, my vote is Pinnicle with bosun seat, I've liked this saddle since the day one, and more or less for the same reasons Rocky likes his.
I guess my choice makes me an old schooler, but I have yet to read or hear any comments that would make me change my mind.
Since this split tail using carabiners hit the scene I finally got it customised for my style of climbing, after trying different combinations of hardware and set ups.
If I was to get another saddlle I would probaly chose a Versitile with bosun seat or the one Brian's always raving about, that pricey Austrian Duo, if we are both looking at the same saddle.
I honestly don't think I would like or be comfortable with a leg strap, as far as mobility in a tree using a leg strap versus a bosun, I just don't think there can really be that much difference between the two.
In all fairness to the leg strap guys, I have never tried a leg stap saddle, if I was to try one I might change my change my mind but I doubt it.