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8' wide 36' long. Cement floor. I hang a tarp on the far side in the winter to keep the snow out. The kindling wood is on the far right. Mostly red oak with a little white oak mixed in.

8' wide 36' long. Cement floor. I hang a tarp on the far side in the winter to keep the snow out. The kindling wood is on the far right. Mostly red oak with a little white oak mixed in.
thats not mine, that is JRClen's shiiit I wish mine looked like thatwish mine was full and stacked like kens^^
mine has 6 cord in it, some stacked, some not ive had to work around.
also mine has a 6' estension by 8' that covers the boiler door, yet allows smoke to roll out.
dont want to get wet loading the boiler dontcha know
also keeps sparks/ashes from raining down on the wood pile. that was rather hairy last winter with a massive stack of tinder next to the boiler
@Timbercreek Do you have any pics of your wood shed?Looks good crane!
Makes my back hurt just looking at it however. All that wheelbarowing. Yikes!
I plan to stack between legs on one side as a outside wall, and against the corn crib on the other side.
I have these nice metal cages i can move with a machine, hold about a half cord dbl stacked, problem is i only have 6, need about 24!!!
Solve one problem, another arises.
Ive seen old 275s cut in half work rather well as racks. Have a 1000gal tank i plan to cut up too. Sawmill uses em as sticker racks.
Not at all.Is it bad that I don't cover my wood?
I think uncovered wood drys faster than wood stacked in a shed. I have enough dry wood in my shed right now to last me thru this winter. I have some stacked beside the shed, probably half a winters worth and the rest of my wood is just in a pile outside the shed. My stacks outside the shed aint covered and seem to be drying very well. My pile of wood might be drying even faster than the stacked wood. I believe the reason for that might be that I take the tractor and fel and sort of tun the pile every once in a while. I dont schedule a time to roll the piles, just whenever I happen to be close with the tractor and it takes about 5 min to do it. The only reason I even stack wood under the shed is because I can get it out when its pouring rain or after a big snow and not have to fool with wet wood. I used to stress about getting all my wood under the shed, but after a year of not being able to do things, I have found its not as important as I once thought it was.Is it bad that I don't cover my wood?