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Built this ten years ago and love it. 32'w x 24'd. Obviously if done over I would make some changes, but over all it works well and was actually fairly inexpensive. Dirt floor, a roof, open on three sides, except for 8' you see on the front and the same on the back. This area is for hand tools that hang on the wall, and seasonal stuff, garden hoses, quad plow, etc. The dirt floor works well for setting 4" x 4"'s at the end of firewood rows, and 2" x 4"'s cleated together for removable bases, all easily moved and changed as needed. I hate walking on pallets for stacking and accessing firewood. The far side, an 8' bay, has a raised wood floor, sections of salvaged wide board fencing that also makes a nice deck area for wood. However, with the deck the rows are from front to back, and really should be side to side for using/refilling. As it is I move a cord or so to keep from burying it before refilling in the spring. There are critters of course, so I do not store things with engines in there for any period of time. And no doors, which at times I wish it had, for 'out of sight out of mind' 'visitors'. Mostly it does everything it needs too. If it were longer (couldn't because of property line set backs behind, the driveway, and some nice trees) then it could have been a drive through. And I would make it taller to get the truck and forklift in, but then again, it would have to be much larger for multipurpose. That's another project I guess, someday. Anyway, this holds enough for us for three years which is perfect. Some rows are 4' high, others 6', in part due to the raised wood deck area and it is built on a slight slope.
In the image above, the seasoned wood on the outside left was moved to the row in the front. Been filling that front corner, and have less than two rows to go. A wheel barrow ramp can be seen. That row will be left open to access the back corner next fall as the longer center rows, left of the boat, are all added this spring. Not ideal, but it works. Wood seasons very well and is not buryed under snow. We added some lighting last year, a nice plus on winter evenings. 2" x 12"s were resawn on a bandsaw for the small amount of now weathered looking vertical siding. It is what it is, a wood shed.