Great picture!
Continuing this thread- I got a free Dolmar 6400/Makita 6401 cylinder that's mint- for the cost of shipping.
Continuing this thread- I got a free Dolmar 6400/Makita 6401 cylinder that's mint- for the cost of shipping.
Send me a pm if interested.
Thank you, it is actually in pretty good shape. The piston has some scuffing, along with cylinder, it injested some dirt. May make it run later. Do you have any others you want to unload?, I want to build the father in law a gas blower to replace his lug the cord around electric blower.PM me your address and I see what I can do.
I would love to have a manual,,,,
The 029/290 parts saw I posted about and you inquired,,,,, earlier,,, the gas tank is broken and so is the rear handle,,,, not just cracked really broken,, and the piston has some scoring,,,there are some usable parts there though if you want them you have first dibs,,,,
Anybody wanna bring this tread back alive? It was a good time when we did it last. I will offer up a saw/some parts for free, just gotta decide what....any no, my sp125 is staying put.:biggrinbounce2:
Just thinking of some stuff off the top of my head that I will let go.
Brand new husky 335 clutch cover, just pay shipping
BN chain adjuster for a husky 50. Will mail this for free
Got some stihl trimmer heads that are new, older stuff though. Just pay shipping.
I will come up with some other stuff here soon.
Epicklein sent me parts trying to help me get to the bottom of my 020AV problems. Then Harzack sent me a complete other saw. So now I'm left with a spare 020. It's complete. The only problem with it is that it needs a good carb. I've already been all through this saw and cleaned everything up. Crank seals are good. P&C are decarboned. 1/4 B&C. Oiler works good.
Only catch, Ropensaddle already hinted at it here, LINK. I'll give him first dibbs on it. I'll send him a PM. Otherwise, it's up for grabs. You pay the shipping.
Anybody need any parts for a Stihl BG55 hand held leaf blower. I can hook you up. I bought 17 used ones at a local auction and just now had the time to start going through them. Most of them are either locked up, or have low compression so I doubt that any will have good piston or cylinders.