Haha. I missed that

update: To those who have already PMed,,, I finally got to dig in the pile today,,,, the 066 carcass I have does have a severley broken front starter side AV Mount (the bottom half of the mount is broken off & MIA) and I noticed that case side half has an extra hole drilled through the case where the top handle was tie wired in place,,,to secure the Motor to the bottom fronthandle mount :monkey: :monkey: the insidedog,tophandle,oilpump,chainbrakehandle,brakelinkages,crank,flywheel,coil and brgs are already gone,,, now for the gastank rear handle, The rear starter side AV screw tab mount is broken off and missing right down to the seam of the fuel tank,,,the rear airfilter box is cracked and split aound the mount holes,,,,,, it has been a while since I looked @ its pretty well stripped & rough,,, it was not a running saw when I got it,,,,JMHO for the time and effort to fix it one could find a compete saw needing a topend and be ahead of the game
The 029/290's I found and just glanced @ em,,, but I havent got to really look and evaluate yet ,, be patient,, the way my schedule is it may be the day after Christmas before I get time,,, to piddle again,,,,,
Merry Christmas
I`m interested in the 290