That bit at about 59 seconds is a bit lairy isn't it.
Looking good Romeo! Whatever happened to that ascot project you had?
Figured it was time to put my Monster and the wifes SV on here.
Dadgum weather is finally settling down enough to ride, and of course I'm too busy to get out.
Stay safe!
nice bike....what engine that monster got?
My buddy has a 440 he cafed a little this past summer. Turned out nice. Hope your diaphragms are good. They are crazy pricey new.
I have a "few" bikes as you can see. Sat May 15th I'm leading a ride down to the New River Gorge area of WV leaving from New Philadelphia, OH at 9am if any one local would like to come along. It's a 536 mile trip for me and so far I have around 10 riders joining me.
they are not the best shape, im in to that bike for $0
Now who would own one of those ugly green bikes? :monkey:
This one may be for sale at Mid Ohio this summer...
Hiya foxracingguy! (Todd 55 if ya haven't figgered it out)