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Far from it, I have it, I am more than happy to pass it on but I would need to be told who to pass it on to.




While watching reruns of South Beach Tow between football games I read this whole thread. Can't say I'm any wiser but it was entertaining.

The pass around LA was last seen in 2011 with member RDA1. He hasn't logged in since 9/6/11. Only had 3 posts total so not sure how he got ahold of it. Anybody know this guy personally? He's not even on the user list so no way to send a PM.

@Finland as a fellow businessman I would suggest you consider becoming a site sponsor and actively participating in discussions. You could then openly promote your product and may get some "goodwill" sales to boot.
No I did cause he is a non sponsor selling in the open forums.

I do not understand your motives. Why do you remove my writings continuously. I have sponsored one Leveraxe to your community. I have used a lot of time with you teaching you to use this totally new tool. What is wrong with that? I have never said , buy this tool. This is the first this kind of tool, using leverage. The friction is nearly non existent. The leverage multiplies the splitting force many times bigger. I do not see any harm in it, if people get to know also about this safe alternative. I am still willing to continue dialogue with you all, but how can I do it if my writings are deleted. During the 9 years existent there has happened NO ACCIDENT with the Leveraxe.
Could you please tell me what do you want me to do to enable continuity to fair and open conversation. The world is not any more flat, but it is not ready either.
I do not understand your motives. Why do you remove my writings continuously. I have sponsored one Leveraxe to your community. I have used a lot of time with you teaching you to use this totally new tool. What is wrong with that? I have never said , buy this tool. This is the first this kind of tool, using leverage. The friction is nearly non existent. The leverage multiplies the splitting force many times bigger. I do not see any harm in it, if people get to know also about this safe alternative. I am still willing to continue dialogue with you all, but how can I do it if my writings are deleted. During the 9 years existent there has happened NO ACCIDENT with the Leveraxe.
Could you please tell me what do you want me to do to enable continuity to fair and open conversation. The world is not any more flat, but it is not ready either.
Forgot to say.
Could you answer here, so that the other writers know as well how to sponsor if needed and in what cases. What is allowed to mention, brand name..something else. Where is the line where the advertising goes? Thank you.
I do not understand your motives. Why do you remove my writings continuously. I have sponsored one Leveraxe to your community. I have used a lot of time with you teaching you to use this totally new tool. What is wrong with that? I have never said , buy this tool. This is the first this kind of tool, using leverage. The friction is nearly non existent. The leverage multiplies the splitting force many times bigger. I do not see any harm in it, if people get to know also about this safe alternative. I am still willing to continue dialogue with you all, but how can I do it if my writings are deleted. During the 9 years existent there has happened NO ACCIDENT with the Leveraxe.
Could you please tell me what do you want me to do to enable continuity to fair and open conversation. The world is not any more flat, but it is not ready either.
You're selling in this post here, We have sponsors here that sell axes and they pay to do it, why should we let you sell here for nothing. It's not fair to the ones that do. If you want to make post like this then become a sponsor. Contact the site owners. But until you do you cannot sell in the open forums. That is a site rule and if you read the rules you would see. One more sales post and I'm locking or deleting this thread. Far as teaching us to use it, I know of no one here that has one so you're wasting your time there.
Hello all, new to the forum and wanted to provide my experience on the leveraxe for general knowledge. Last month, I ordered a leveraxe and finally had an opportunity to review it last weekend. Some up but mostly downs on this product. This unit was shipped brand new and was in perfect condition when it arrived. After reading the instructions, I gave it a try. I placed 6 small logs in an old tire and began chopping slowly to get the hand of the lever concept. The first round went slow but by the end, I had the hang of it. Excited to do this again, I reloaded the tire and began chopping. On the 8th log, a 4" piece of the wooden handle came flying off the TOP! This really surprised me and I stopped using the axe and inspected if I somehow damaged it unknowingly. The handle was clean with no errant strikes and ended my day much sooner than expected for obvious safety reasons.. I then reached out to a US representative of Leveraxe ([email protected]) and he directed me to a website to have the handle replaced for $70. No warranty on the handle? After 30 days and 20 minutes of actual use?

I cannot in good faith recommend this product to anyone with customer service like this. The company should stand behind normal use within a fair and reasonable amount of time for any product regardless of its price. Save your money and invest in something else. Very, very disappointing.
Welcome to the site.

I am curious, did you get this from the "Kickstarter" campaign they recently did or did you buy it retail?

Also if you could post some pictures here perhaps we can see if Leveraxe might be interested in helping you further.
So leveraxe has been around for what, 9 years now? And they're resorting to crowd funding in the US?

Then they have QC problems to boot, and their solution is spend more than a new Fiskars for repair? :confused:

You guys obviously need a change in tactics or price points. Us "dumb Americans" buy cheap junk and aren't surprised when it breaks. You guys are at a premium (and then some) price point, and have less warranty than Horrible Freight on their "might catch fire on first contact with an outlet" electronics. They'll still take it back in 45 days.

5foot20, welcome to the site! If you bought it through Amazon, they'll likely give you a refund if it hasn't been too long. Hopefully someone with leveraxe will step up. $250 is a lot of cash to dump on 20 minutes of wood. :eek:
Hello all, new to the forum and wanted to provide my experience on the leveraxe for general knowledge. Last month, I ordered a leveraxe and finally had an opportunity to review it last weekend. Some up but mostly downs on this product. This unit was shipped brand new and was in perfect condition when it arrived. After reading the instructions, I gave it a try. I placed 6 small logs in an old tire and began chopping slowly to get the hand of the lever concept. The first round went slow but by the end, I had the hang of it. Excited to do this again, I reloaded the tire and began chopping. On the 8th log, a 4" piece of the wooden handle came flying off the TOP! This really surprised me and I stopped using the axe and inspected if I somehow damaged it unknowingly. The handle was clean with no errant strikes and ended my day much sooner than expected for obvious safety reasons.. I then reached out to a US representative of Leveraxe ([email protected]) and he directed me to a website to have the handle replaced for $70. No warranty on the handle? After 30 days and 20 minutes of actual use?

I cannot in good faith recommend this product to anyone with customer service like this. The company should stand behind normal use within a fair and reasonable amount of time for any product regardless of its price. Save your money and invest in something else. Very, very disappointing.

As a follow up, I have attached a picture of the axe handle.


  • Axe Handle.JPG
    Axe Handle.JPG
    309.3 KB
Welcome to the site.

I am curious, did you get this from the "Kickstarter" campaign they recently did or did you buy it retail?

Also if you could post some pictures here perhaps we can see if Leveraxe might be interested in helping you further.
SVK, I purchased it retail. I missed the Kickstarter campaign by 3 days.
SVK, I purchased it retail. I missed the Kickstarter campaign by 3 days.

Email your concern directly to info(at)vipukirves.fi including a photograph.

Are you in St. Peterberg in Russia, 5foot20? Or in the USA?

I have no affiliation with the manufacturer. They are Finnish, so they will do the right thing. Let them know, even if the response from the international agent has been disappointing.

If the guys here in Finland don't hear about the problem, they won't know it needs to be fixed. Check in with them and see what they say. Finns are very determined to do the right thing, and this will almost certainly be the result in this case also.

Jim Timber, they may be in business for 9 years but the USA is a massively intimidating market to break into for a small, and I mean small company in a small regional town in a country in the north eastern corner of western europe, bordered by the Arctic and Russia and separated by sea from mainland Europe. Logistically, culturally, financially, they're worlds apart in many ways. The sheer investment required to take a somewhat niche market product to the USA is beyond the abilities of many such firms, so Kickstarter campaign funding provides a way to enable a business try to bring a local presence to the USA. I know from the business I'm involved in here myself.

I suspect in any case that the response 5foot20 had is from an agent/distributor (licensed by Vipukirves) and not from the guys in Raisio in Finland and that making contact with them will see a positive outcome and identify where there is room for improvement.

Finally, the price you pay in US$ is pretty much the same as what we pay locally for the same tool. So at least we're all dancing to the same tune!
As a little guy myself, I'm always rooting for them in business. If the customer is taken care of when the product has obviously failed, then I wish them the best.

New member. First post. English is not my mother language. Excuse for poor writing...

This "wonderfull" product seems not that new. Look at that: http://www.google.ca/patents/US4300606

But is seems interesting anyhow when used properly. Didn't try it myself but it is from reading a good part of the thread.

New member. First post. English is not my mother language. Excuse for poor writing...

This "wonderfull" product seems not that new. Look at that: http://www.google.ca/patents/US4300606

But is seems interesting anyhow when used properly. Didn't try it myself but it is from reading a good part of the thread.

Have you ever anywhere seen that kind of an axe in the shops available for anybody interested to purchase it. I haven't seen it either. It never came to industrial production. It hasn't got any safety elements either as the original Vipukirves/Leveraxe. So many people has reminded me about that American patent, but if you read carefully enough, you will find it mentioned in in my patent to which it refers. Further more my patent talks about the safety features which have never seen in any kind of axes after the stone age. Car has had four wheels as long as it was invented. Every now and then there have been some changes and that is why also some of them are patented.