I am responsible for having it longer than I should. Please accept my apologies.
No problem! It's 100 degrees here I won't need it till september hahaha!!
I am responsible for having it longer than I should. Please accept my apologies.
As best I can tell I think the list looks like this
GeeVee - had it last according to posts
JBFab - may have it now??
elaps ???? 1 post and has not signed on since 11-27-07 probably not still here
There are a lot of folks that posted comments in between these names but none said they wanted on the list if you were posting to get on the list please add your name in line where it should be.
If I left anyone out or got it wrong please post up and let me know.
I wouldn't mind trying it out... see how it compares to my trusty old chopper ax ( you know the one with the spring loaded dogs that push the wood apart?) been using it for years.
May I get on the list?
Eric, what do you think about this...... When someone sends the axe on to the next person they send that persons contact info (name, address, phone number) to you in a PM, that way you will know who has it and a way to contact them just in case.