Thanks for the info! Do you happen to have a record of which one you ordered on Amazon? There are several available (for the Honda gcv160).I have the same splitter. I also had the same issue. It's a dirty carb. From what I read it is an issue with the emulsion tube and the holes being too small. The tiniest bit of gunk clogs it and then it surges trying to run correctly. I cleaned my carb 2 or 3 times in the ultrasconic cleaner then gave up and ordered a new carb off amazon for $27. I have also read that using tiny drill bits to open the hole up a size with fix the problem. This carburetor and series of engine is popular with go cart racing and that is where I found most of this information.
Now that my carb is good and the splitter runs I always run the carb dry by shutting the fuel off. If I know I wont be splitting for a while I drain the tank.
Just ran it with some premium gas and seafoam for another try following the carb clean, and it went through a full tank with no problems! I'm not going to call it "fixed" yet, but I'll see how things go. If I have further trouble, I'll get a new carb.
Some folks on another posting suggested using premium gas. What do you folks think of that? Is there any disadvantage other than cost? for the info! Do you happen to have a record of which one you ordered on Amazon? There are several available (for the Honda gcv160).