The pool ball is just an analogy of gravity but we'll still use it in what your picturing, the table has 3 legs, the side of the table where the pool ball starts rolling from never changes height, which is the hinge of the tree, the ball will roll to the low side of the table, meanwhile you cut off one of the far side legs, the table drops & the ball arcs around to the new line of fall, it cannot pass backwards along its path to beyond where it started from as that is a fixed height & doesn't change. Even if you were hold the table on one one leg & tilt your opposite down & to the side the ball will always hit the ground between you & the support of the table.
I'm definitely wasting my time here, but have you ever swung a rope or a piece of chain around, it defies gravity yes, if yer really cool and wear a 10 gallon hat you can even dance around it and catch moo cows or wild injuns (ahem racist)...
Any way the point is you build momentum, you can't just "magically" have the rope flip straight up in the air, you have to start at the bottom, redirect its natural gravity, once it starts going more or less where you want it to go, you just make sure to help it along a little, essentially this is all a soft dutch is, that first cut the deepest dutch is to get the tree to start leaning towards where you would like it to go, the rest of the progressive steps merely encourage it to keep going. the hold wood is basically your wrist the hand and rope pivot around the wrist. Once it starts to move you just have to keep nipping away the back cut to continue with the movement, as you nip it away it gains speed and momentum, then at the optimum point (assuming you haven't ran away screaming) you sever the rest of the hold wood stopping the swing to some extent and launching the tree off the stump, much like an old style sling shot (that mean hebrew boy and the unfortunate sasquatch kind).
Unlike a rope the tree is straight up, and we can let gravity do most of the work for us, just have to get that initial lean going a different direction. Hence the massive dutched face cut, you really do cut way past the 30% that GOL crap has taught everyone and go until the bastard sags, not so much as to pinch yer saw real bad but just enough to change the ballance of the tree, the rest is just stair steps to ease it on around.
The other hang up you seem to have is the hold wood, or tension wood, the hold wood is always perpendicular to the intended lay, it remains tension wood but the tree will bend from one direction to the other, constantly pulling on that tension wood. Once you have that first fat dutch, the lean has already changed, its just a matter of continuing that change all the way around.
When its all said and done most of the off side hold wood will be gone, leaving anywhere from 1/2 to sometimes less then 1/4 of the diameter for hold wood in the near side. Both allowing the tree to change its lean and simultaneously pivot around the remaining hold wood.