OH My GAWD, thing around here is it is with the biskets
I had bought a box of these and used them for that project and put the rest away. About a month later I wanted some again. 4 years later I found that box after I had bought new for the project 4 years earlier. I have a cabinet in the shop high on the wall where I put seldom used stuff certain roter bits hand pruning saw, and such.
I recently (oct.) tore down My Jonsered 2159 to install a new chain oil wheel. I put every thing in a clear plastic jar I keep around for these projects put a strip of tape on it and labeled what the stuff was for. The wheel arrived mid Nov, but I was busy deer hunting so it went in that jar till I could get back to the saw. Come January 2016 and I am ready to put the saw back together. I find every thing in that jar to do the job except the inter side plate that goes over the oiler wheel. I looked and looked for that side plate and even removed every thing from under the bench thinking I may have dropped it under there. Finally said screw it, I have other saws to use so I put the saw under the bench on the first shelf. Every crappy day I would go thru my tool boxes and look for that part. About 2 weeks ago I am sharpening chains I had dulled and hung on a peg board hook. I get to the last one and, stop scratch my head and say,
self what is that thing and where did it come from? It is the side plate for the 2159 hanging right there in plain sight on the peg board. My wife knows better than mess with my shop do no even think of getting a tool from my box. I bought both my daughter (first) and son (later)tool boxes put basic screw drivers, pliers, channel locks, vice grip,s combo wrenches, crescent wrenches and 3/8 socket set, a set of drifts and chisels and bald peen hammer. That was their tools to use and if that was not good enough they were to ask me to help do the project with my tools. They were good about it and as far as I know never did use my tools for fear of getting their head ripped off and me spitting down their neck.
Also My wife knows I some times will leave small tools and screws, pins and even hoses and bolts in my pockets, she cleans out my pockets and puts that stuff in a coffee can she keeps by the washer and will tell me there is stuff in there and raise holy *ell about finding that stuff and I had better do a better job of cleaning my pockets or I will have to buy a washer and do my own laundry in the shop.
The shop is ****y trapped she says she has learned so well to stay out.
