Blocking down the trunk, dead trees, super skinny trees with structural defects.
If you are a skilled climber, they're simply not necessary. Once you get to a certain confidence level, you can move about much more swiftly and fluidly. If you are a regular spiker, you're somewhat dependent on them to define the level of climber you are.Lumberjack said:I dont wear spikes because they get in my way.
No. Footlocking is a technique where you loop the rope under one foot and over the other, squeezing your feet together to secure a grip on the rope. That is a footlock.Jumberlack said:I use a pantin to FL, is that still FLing?
Tree Machine said:The Pantin comes from the caving world for ascents up out of pits using Single Rope Technique. Tree [CLIMBERS]guys have adapted it to doubled rope technique.
The Pantin is popular with a lot of [CLIMBERS]guys.
Tree Machine said:So then, why doesn't everybody footlock spikeless ?
basnighttrees said:Thanks for all the info on footlocking. I too want to be a better more efficent climber. I do have concerns about spiking my rope. I have spiked my leg once and my rope a few times. I am approching my career with the safest, fastest, and easiest on my body approch as possiable. You guys have help alot.
Very bad idea. You lose lot of friction. You have to footlock using the front third of your feet, instead of the middle, in your arch. Quite difficult, and you have to point your toes in and heels out to prevent yourself from puncturing the inside of either foot. It can be done, but definitely not recommended.Jim1NZ said:Who does footlock with spikes? Bad idea...