If you look into and research the M tronic they claim it will make adjustments to different types of fuel, and it will make adjustments based on air flow. (if air filter gets dirty and so on) It will make adjustments when you change your elevation. Where I live that's not a concern. If Stihl claims it will make adjustments based on fuel quality, then my concern is justified because the programing used in the M tronic is nowhere to be found, and they keep it a secret. If it can tell if there is more oil in the fuel then 50:1, not knowing the programing it "Might) make adjustment, but this is a bad example of what I was going for. My point is I have been running saws for 30 years and been around them a lot longer than that, I was taught carb, I run carb and that's what I know. I do all my own work on my equipment, If the solenoid goes down out in the middle of nowhere I am down until I get to a dealer, but with an old school carb saw I can pull the whole thing apart in the woods and get it back up and running, not that I have ever needed to.
For a lot of people, the M tronic is the way to go, but the MS462 and the MS462C both make 6.0 horsepower, so from my point of view the M tronic is just more things that "could" go wrong. The biggest point I did not explain right was that for the money I was going to have to spend I wanted what I wanted. I know carburetors. I also think that because both models make the same power the M tronic really does nothing that my screwdriver can't do. I'm sure the newer saws are great machines (I have a MS192TC and I have had no real problem's other than stalling out after several long cuts making it hot) but for as long as I have an option, I will buy what I want not what they want to sell me. Have a good night.