The problem with all this is many are not playing
by the rules. I will say it is much more labor to split
stack and deliver any wood under 24" which is; what
all wood used to be cut at cord's conception. I see
it from both sides of the coin so, what I do is cut it
24", of course; I can burn 36" maximum so 24" is perfect
for my setup. 24"+4'+16' is the old school cord and
is what mine is cut. If the event of a sale of wood
does arrive and they ask for small stuff I will sell
it and it will be a cord 4'+4'+8' but my labor doubled
and my price did also! Honestly, what happens is they
being cheapskates will usually buy what another guy
calls a cord and it will be 16"+4'+16' and usually
not even good wood! They will pay less for their
hackbury face cord while my seasoned red oak
sets until it rots or I burn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having said the way I see it from my perspective,
I feel the customers screwed their selves, so the
guy that sold them the hackbury was just the
organ! I feel much of the complaining comes from
people that were satisfied at the time of purchase
until, someone said the guy that labored to bring
them their wood was a crook. I feel the standard
of stove size should be set to 30" so that 24"
wood would be the norm which would take the
reason to cut corners out!