Modded saws seem to be affected in greater numbers. Most likely due to the extra flow.
Had a few beers and I understand him completely. I too find it difficult to concentrate when there is ***** walking around.
"the EL46 AT module with no updates or revisions"................have to ask what revision it was and what is it currently?
Definitely due to the extra flow. Was/Is the EL46 an attempt to refine emissions? Most likely yes, looking back at other measures used in the past.
The modded vs non modded is the biggest "issue" I at present see, with respect to the "issue".
Regretfully this has morphed into a near 562 is a pos don't buy it till things are sorted out. Even hacks up here in Canada read AS, but most cannot read the important parts of it.
Modded is where the "issue" is most prevalent. Its an audience but not your bread and butter as a dealer, yet in the interim its eating away at it.
Demand more from your tech support, ask for referrals abroad. I am now in the same tech support, customer service stream as you south of the border, some things are much better and others are not.