May 12 and still burning!

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I'm not ready for the AC yet either. Just want the 75 and mostly sunny stuff! Makes for good fishing and everything else.
Still burnin here. States water reservoirs are still very low all the water still stored in the mountains as snow. Hasn't gotten warm enough to get it melting yet so now they are whining about that. Very cool spring this year.
Still at it here too, might be done as of today?? I am watering the lawn in the day and burning at night, go figure. dang global warming. The trees are not even leaved out yet.
Just look at it this way, we are not running the AC yet. I would rather have to start a fire than listen to the air conditioner run all night.

STill running the stove 24/7, been down to frost here the past few nights, in the 40s with wind daytime. I think I have gone through at least 1/2 cord after the heating season should have ended.

Guess what, AC time on Friday for several days if the forecast is correct. Near 90.

Harry K
Stopped burning about a week ago, there's an afghan on each couch for evening, and sweatshirts for outside, of course, some gardening and stick pick up in the woods will keep a body warm too.
I've still been lighting the stoke in the morning too take the chill off. Mostly just burning up all the junk wood. Chunks, broken bits, scraps and the like. :cheers:
Lit a fire on morning of 11 and 12. Temps in lower 40's thanks to the mile wide tornado that passed about five and a half miles to the south of me. Still finding debris in my field and probably will for a while.





I took a few days off of work and have been helping people from church and family as I can. Plenty of firewood for some time that will need to be cleaned up.
Sorry about the bad luck Chevy,

Got to say that Tornadoes scare the begeezus out of me! I lived in SE Iowa for a few years (in the 80s) and whenever that horn would go off it creeped me out. So unpredictable. Back then I was a pilot flying cargo and one day
after lifting off during warnings, I happened to fly over a steaming nuke plant seeding a cloud, that looked just like a big un! Don't mind telling you I was juking left and right before I figured it out :monkey: Anyway's glad you are ok.:cheers:
When I get a little more time I will put up some more pictures. I have to work for the next couple of days to keep up my insurance and put some gas in the truck and food on the table. I try to take pictures as I am out and about just because it is so, for lack of a better word, strange. So much power and destruction from the wind. Supposed to be an EF4 (135-169mph wind if I remember right.