Your humbleness and extreme politeness Kiwi kinda borders on the on the knees begging for a teaching moment. Like the ####ens " more porridge please sir ? " :msp_biggrin:
Remember one thing, some of these self-appointed "pros" know only their small part of the universe, limited ways of working the trees, and damn well they need to do the "ridicule and entertainment" dance for any techniques not in their playbook. Ridicule, name-calling, demeaning unfortunately.
1. PNW timber is mostly large softwoods on federal woodlands subject to fed regs. Lots of bureaucracy to comply with for them.
2. Large DBH softwoods demand big cc saws and long bars. Like Stihl 660's and 36" skiptooth chains.
3. If you only use Humboldt cuts and one or two other cuts, you don't know jack about logging to them. More ridicule and jollies for them.
4. NZ timber and our northeastern timber are much smaller DBH, more diverse species of BOTH hard and softwoods. NZ South I. , from the 1 month there a couple of decades past training, was beginning to "reforest" 1000's of acres. Why your foresters planted single fast growing, softwoods was beyond us. Same now ?
5. Most only fell for the big timber companies. No independent, solo harvesting, or home firewood done very often.
6. Most have never gone through any kind of program for up to date techniques for safety, efficiency, maintenance, gear. They already KNOW all.
So Take what the appointed "pros" here with some intelligence. Our saws are shorter, smaller, the species and sizes different. They have this 'thing' about "weekend warriors" or those dreaded "homeowners" as if they themselves are "homeless".
Now the flamers out of the woodwork..................:msp_w00t: