The reed valve muffler is just showin off. :msp_biggrin:
Stinky, Nobody but me has noticed the Mac yellow 8mm spark plug wire..................sweet
Yeah, but I took the reed out.
I won an aution on ebay a couple years ago with about 8 of those new reed muffler covers. It's an easy way to dress up a 10 series saw.
I had a NOS black clutch cover with the textured paint, but it won't fit. It hits on the engine like it was made for a different 10 series model. So I just sand blasted an old one I had and painted it yellow.
Ok I'm done now. Who wants to by it now? Need to sell it and move on to another restoration.
Yeah we noticed, I just figured it was a newer design.
origonal coil:
Aftermarket coil:
Tell us more. MFG? Application?
Ok I'm done now. Who wants to by it now? Need to sell it and move on to another restoration.
JMO, but I'm thinking you need to work on that low-hour 1-76
one of these days. At least get it back to running!
thanks for the info. All of my 10-10's are the same as your donar saw, with points ignition. Nice job btw, it should sell quickly.
You don't have to worry about me selling it. I am a person that takes great value in things like that.
Yet it's for sale now!!!!!HMMMMMM
I was talking about my sp125 then. Ron was asking about it.
I'm always causing trouble. Ron
Yep, we are keepin' an eye on you.