Busy Mac oil pump day. Got mine squared away largely due to your thread on the subject. (Good luck with yours 2Broke.)
Now I'm on to a carb issue. Can't get a nice idle. It'll hold when set a little too high via the idle screw, but not lower where it should be via a normal 'L' jet adjustment. Could be a coupla things, but I can't help but wonder what they were thinking using such small fuel line on an 82cc saw with an SDC carb. I used 3/16's x 3/32 Tygon F-4040-A to replace what was there due to the tank hole size and to fit the dinky little inlet barb on the carb. Could have used 1/8 ID but the thinner wall didn't seal well going into the tank. My PM800 has a larger molded line and a Zama carb. I doubt this is my idle problem, but it's a head scratcher nonetheless. I'll re-kit the SDC and see where that takes me, though the diaphragms looked and felt in real good shape. Maybe a rebuild and USC bath will pop something loose in the L circuit to get me in business.