Jethro, if you want that old school sound then find a mufflee from an 850. I did the same as ron and put one on my 800. It sounds just as great as the 700 and seems to have a bit more snap. It may be in my head but it does scream awesome! There is a bit of modification to do though. The original muffler is huge and covers the entire bottom of the saw engine providing air flow through the engine cooling fins off the flywheel. When you take that big muffler off you must take that into account or you will overheat and mess up your saw. Whatvi did was useca peice of sheet metal or flashing and fit it around the exhaust outlet and up to the cooling fins so the airflows through the fins still. A few pictures.
as you can see theres a large gap without tbe stock muffler. Lots of air will bypass the cooling fins.