I posted an ad in the trading post last night, fellows have been keeping me busy today...3 out of 4 have already been paid for. Jeff, if you end up getting the PM8200 I will throw in a muffler for your 2-10. Note the PS designation - that saw originally had a "self sharpening" type chain. To sharpen, all you had to do was hold the saw upside down at WOT and put a screwdriver on the adjuster to touch the stone to the chain.

Back to the saws for sale...
I decided it was just as easy to drive one down to Des Moines as to pack and ship one so here I am with ThistleIA. I am not sure how I managed to flip the photo.

Here is the proper perspective, I took the PM800 (#2) and the CP70 and was able to leave them both. He already had the SP81, I will just say that you'd better use the compression release on that one.

I was fortunate on the drive down to see a small tornado off to the west, find my antenna, then just to the left a wind turbine off in the distance, then a little further left and you will see the white diagonal line which is the tornado. I tried to frame it between two wind turbines but this is all a bit complicated when you are traveling 70 MPH and the cars around you are also gawking at the storm clouds just overhead that are nearly reaching down to the highway.


Back to the saws for sale...
I decided it was just as easy to drive one down to Des Moines as to pack and ship one so here I am with ThistleIA. I am not sure how I managed to flip the photo.

Here is the proper perspective, I took the PM800 (#2) and the CP70 and was able to leave them both. He already had the SP81, I will just say that you'd better use the compression release on that one.

I was fortunate on the drive down to see a small tornado off to the west, find my antenna, then just to the left a wind turbine off in the distance, then a little further left and you will see the white diagonal line which is the tornado. I tried to frame it between two wind turbines but this is all a bit complicated when you are traveling 70 MPH and the cars around you are also gawking at the storm clouds just overhead that are nearly reaching down to the highway.
