McCulloch Chain Saws

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Today my dad picked up two Mcculloch super 10-10 saws today. Also a Mcculloch 160s. What is the difference between a super 10-10 and a regular 10-10

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Almost got the SP125C together tonight but somehow miss placed the nut for the flywheel. Looked all over and still cannot find it. I guess I will go to town tomorrow and see if I can find one. Also my clutch bearing is missing 2 rollers for some reason. It was new and only have about 3 or 4 hours on it. But I have an older one that is not in very good shape but good enough to use until I get a new one in.


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Almost got the SP125C together tonight but somehow miss placed the nut for the flywheel. Looked all over and still cannot find it. I guess I will go to town tomorrow and see if I can find one. Also my clutch bearing is missing 2 rollers for some reason. It was new and only have about 3 or 4 hours on it. But I have an older one that is not in very good shape but good enough to use until I get a new one in.


I did that when I disassembled the PM800 last fall and went to put it together earlier this summer. The nut was not anywhere with the other parts. I kept looking for several days and then I looked in my jar of spare hardware I clean up off my workbench from time to time and there it was! I figured I was pretty lucky because it can't be easy to find a left-hand nut these days.

Was gonna respond to this the other day and got sidetracked. And since no one else has, a 7/16 deep well socket is what you'll need. There should also be a washer between the valve and the cylinder that may or may not come off (or be obvious) as you remove the valve. It's listed as a separate part# from the valve and may or may not be included with the new one. Never bought a new one before so really don't know one way or the other. I do use a bit of sealant (DirkoHT) on the threads and washer when I install decomp valves since I've found many that tend to leak there even though the valve itself may not. Any good hi-temp sealant will work.
Thank you I took the old one off and cleaned it up works the same as the new one that is definitely helpful information. Had to use a pair of needle nose vise grips and a crap ton of wd40 lol

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Has anyone ever put a pm700 cylinder beside a 7-10 and compared the ports? I read alot about how the 700 is not as good as the 7-10 but cant really find some proof other than my 7-10 whips my mates 700 kind of storys and I dont doubt it either but it would be nice to see the differences.
Found this spec sheet buried among my Mac documentation which may come in handy for a few here. Certainly gives credibility to the 12K top end tuning for the 82cc saws (at least the PM8200) and lists 11.5 for most everything else aside from the smaller (35cc class) saws. Initial carb settings are included along with a variety of other helpful specs. Something tells me there is a page two (and possibly three) out there somewhere that could very well complete the list of saws. If anyone knows of additional pages to this publication, by all means please post up.


  • Mac setup specs.pdf
    266.4 KB
Interesting that the PM700 has a power speed 500 rpms higher than the PM8200. When I bought my PM700 36 years ago I wanted to buy a PM800 but the dealer talked me out of it. He claimed that the PM800 turned about 13k while the PM700 turned in the 9k's. He told me I would burn an 800 up cutting firewood. I didn't know any better. And I probably would have eventually burned it up if I had bought it. Still have the 700. Ron

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