No worries, thanks for checking!
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Found a very nice one with rubber o ring. You have PM.
No worries, thanks for checking!
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
Thanks, I'll try and get a PayPal acct set up tonight or tomorrow. I'll let you knowFound a very nice one with rubber o ring. You have PM.
Nice one there.If I remember correctly the 790/890's didn't have compression release lever,the 795 & 895 did.Otherwise same 6.3 cube/103cc engine though,just a few years difference between 790 today. $25. "ran when the rope broke". we'll see...
Jethro - I have seen several with the phenolic disc (ring-piston; 60263/86182) broken but never seen enough wear that they would not work. Seems reasonable that the disc would wear more than the pump body given the amount of material/surface area in contact. The same disc was used on the large frame saws as well if that helps in your search.
It is odd that the pump works manually but not on the saw, that could be a wear issue but I have never run into the same situation that I recall.
If you can't find a replacement disc at a reasonable cost I will send you a disc if you'd like, it might take a few days in the mail. I figure I can send the disc in a regular mail envelope, sending a pump takes more paperwork... Send a PM if you are interested.
Hi Guys,I bought a 610 back a few weeks ago off Feebay.When I got the saw I put some fuel in the carb to see if it'd fire,& it did.I had a lot of little stuff to do to it - helcoils for the recoil,rebuild the carb,etc.I was getting ready to do the helicoils when I found that the saw wouldn't turn over completely anymore.It'd get to about TDC & then lock up.I tore the saw down to almost bare bones,I didn't pull the engine down - it started getting late.Any ideas as to why the engine suddenly won't turn over completely anymore?
So here it is in all it's glory. Finally got it back together and on it's 3rd heat cycle. Hope it holds together.
View attachment 665942
Hi Guys,I bought a 610 back a few weeks ago off Feebay.When I got the saw I put some fuel in the carb to see if it'd fire,& it did.I had a lot of little stuff to do to it - helcoils for the recoil,rebuild the carb,etc.I was getting ready to do the helicoils when I found that the saw wouldn't turn over completely anymore.It'd get to about TDC & then lock up.I tore the saw down to almost bare bones,I didn't pull the engine down - it started getting late.Any ideas as to why the engine suddenly won't turn over completely anymore?
Nice one there.If I remember correctly the 790/890's didn't have compression release lever,the 795 & 895 did.Otherwise same 6.3 cube/103cc engine though,just a few years difference between them.