Which model SDC is on the fixed jet 7-10's. The only two of those fixed jets I have are the PM55 and this new to me PM60. The 60 has an SDC49.
Both my 7-10's have 44's
The 80 or 81 or whatever it is had crappy paint as did a lot of saws of that era. The cover could have been a repaint.
Here's a pic as purchased. I have not tried to track down a full wrap and not likely to.
View attachment 779188
Was thinking even just a nice half wrap for it. The paint you used looks a dam good match Tim well done.
The 7-10s have tillotson carbs can't remember what model ummmm 160 or something lol I'll have a look in about an hour or two for ya
I have 1 sdc fixed jet off of a 60 like yours Jerry the aussie guy who restored that 7-10 a while back for his wall sent it to me and a whole box of screws and all the spare bits he had gathered up for the restoration and wow it's been very handy. Ya meet some good buggers on here